Hopefully Kawhi will be back to himself with this warm-up game under his belt. He was clearly rusty and doesn’t have his legs fully back.

Think we need to run more plays to get Norm shots too.
this is gon be a good series, just super annoying to see luka complaining no-stop the whole way and pj with his tough guy act

norm needs to get going and kawhi gets better conditioning moving forward and they should be good

and is there a better angle on this play because kyrie looks like he slapped kawhis left hand and thats why he fumbled the ball - either way if that was luka thats a foul for sure
Besides all the things yall already mentioned, I have to add that there were way too many iso plays which resulted in a low shot clock situation which ended in missed shots and No flow. Just an overall ugly game. Not discouraged though as we played like doo do and still only lost by 3. If we can get Norm to play his Norm-al game along with Kawhi getting back his rhythm and flow, we should get back to the winning track.
Yea, once we took that 6 pt lead it seemed like we started playing to milk the clock instead of attacking. I still think both games 1 and 2 were anamolies. Dallas missed every 3 and layup in game 1, we did the same in game 2.

Hopefully Kawhi is back to his old self on Friday. Glad we got 2 days off
ty needs to playing around, pg or kawhi needs to be on the court at all times

this harden, russ, norm, plum and coffey lineups doesnt have enough scoring scoring or length on defense
so is kawhi hurt or not?

why put bones out there instead of kawhi? even if its for a last shot?

ty experiments with line ups all season and still dont know what works and what doesnt
its not russ’ night

double edge sword, dudes energy and somewhat decent defense is good but he is zero on offense tonight, not even a single assist

might be time to take him out

kawhi nowhere near healthy and team just looks slower with him out there, no point in having him out there if he’s too slow on defense and he doesnt even wanna try on offense

just feed zu in the paint and when they all go after him, have him make some outside pass and hope it makes it there and hope they make the shot
what wetsbrook did was stupid but are they really never gon talk about the offensive player locking the defensive players arms? thats why russ took the hard foul, luka had his arm locked (or at least looked like it fromt he replays they showen)

trying not to be biased, harden does it all the time but i figured jj would at least mention it
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