We finally going to handle business early in a Sunday day game?

Yeah, I don’t think so either :lol:

considering how they had to do a late night covid test for this game, ill prob tune in during half time of the NFCCG
Props to mook for going to the bench for the greater good. Always thought of him as a bit selfish...that changed my whole prospective on him.
my packers blowing it big time, but glad to tune in to see our boys handling business this fine sunday morning
A few different guys in the rotation for us today, but otherwise close to an exact copy of the last OKC game.
Winning this game shows a lot of growth. Same team back to back in addition to an afternoon game. We would've dropped this one for sure last year.
morris sit this one out? thought we had a healthy squad today minus pat bev later having knee soreness

catching up on recaps of the game and guess PG has some hamstring issues. hoping it isn't anything too serious and if anything, just out 1 or 2 games. he's gonna be a big miss if he's out for an extended time
^^^ Was wondering if something might be physically wrong with PG because he was just off all around today. Not getting to the hoop, sloppy turnovers and a couple steps slow on defense. Hope it’s nothing major.
get ready for some media attention and possibly a losing skid
just hope our guys and their fam are all good and nothing too serious comes out of it

So the team got COVID tested at 11:00 PM Saturday night and I presume that means everyone who played on Sunday (including Kawhi and PG) must have tested negative.

So, I guess this is about contact tracing because PG and Kawhi were around someone who had COVID?
So the team got COVID tested at 11:00 PM Saturday night and I presume that means everyone who played on Sunday (including Kawhi and PG) must have tested negative.

So, I guess this is about contact tracing because PG and Kawhi were around someone who had COVID?

yup most likely something that just came up after yesterday’s game and most likely this morning.
With our main guys out, hopefully we see the NY Knicks version of Mook to pick up the points. Don't think we will be able to keep the streak alive though. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Sucks to have L’s like these. Any word on how many games PG and Kawhi will miss?
it might be better if the games just get postponed at this point but it will at least be interesting to see the team play without PG and KL, hopefully treys out tonight too
trap game? clippers pull the w?

IDK. Hawks may come out lackadaisical because no PG or Kawhi, but guys like Mook and Luke are going to have to play real well for us to get the W.

Lou probably skipping the game for Magic City.
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