I been saying this for awhile for the city edition bringback some red in the color scheme with cartoon lettering or throwback road red

Harden better get down with the program. If his press conference is any indication, he plans to come here and do what HE wants to do. Not what's best for the team.

Let me go on record. I hate James harden as a basketball player, I hated Westbrook as a basketball player.

To Westbrook's credit, he's adjusted and changed his game for this team.

Westbrook is still wild, he'll turn the ball over for sure, but he's toned it down a bunch.

Basically with Westbrook, you have to chalk up 4 turnovers a game. Anything more, then you can point the finger. But, with the other good stuff he does, he negates 4 turnovers on most nights. Imo. (As much as turnovers can be negated. Don't get me wrong, there's no replacing 4 less shot attempts a game.)

He was caught with his finger in his rear end, last game vs. LAL a few times as well.

But he's trying.

If Harden thinks he's gonna slow us back down, dribble dribble dribble, pnr and Jack up shots in the last 3 seconds? Nope, send him home.

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^^^ Yeah, I wasn’t thrilled with some of the quotes that came out, but I don’t think Jimbo’s ever been great with the media and he’s obviously salty about the way things ended up in Philly. So I’m not going to pay too much mind to anything from the press conference.

When Harden went to Brooklyn and there was a rare stretch when him, KD and Kyrie were all healthy, he looked pretty good as the lead facilitator on that team. I’m hoping something like that is the version we see here.
decent defense so far, they seem motivated in the start, lets see if they can it up

harden is looking for a pass but no ones moving so zu is the one gon benefit the most and the ones thats gon get beat up because teams will figure out its the only move they got

so i think pg got to try be more like rip hamiltonesque with the cuts and running through screens and harden will find him, if powell can do this too he’ll be a success

if kawhi and brodies gon be standing around, kawhi waiting to get the ball for his iso and russ being left wide open and force him to take 3s, then its gon be a tough go
with all that said, if harden can average 20 something pts consistently then it might be all good anyways

someone who can score when the offense becomes stagnant
pg with the turnovers in the first half :smh:

knicks probably got at least a dozen points off the transition from his tos alone
with plumlee out, theyre definitely gon need to get another big

and my god cant they stop the jump passes? always turns into a to

Harden played well so far. No point in russ starting now. Plum is most likely out for the year. Wonder who we try to go after now.
Not looking good. Ty might have waited a little too long to get the starters back in.
back to the opposing teams against the clips making all their 3s out of nowhere :lol:

but to and transition killed em
Russ was awful today. Bones too. Plumlee was playing well. Game changed when Randle dove at his knees.

Would love to see Russ off the bench or traded now that we have harden. He’s a ticking time bomb :lol:

Also, Zu has been trash every game since the opener. Crazy too see.
pg was extra trash today though

2-11 with 4to (it looked like he had double that)

even zu at added 5to too

i think this is where harden shouldve taken like 20 shots, he was making them but he was trying to distribute too much

with lue as coach, maybe this team should just be kawhi iso, harden iso, pg iso and if they get doubled find the next open "superstar" and hope for the best?
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