Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

Nycknicks, actually I was talking about how writers are forced to cut some shows short because the networks feel less incentive to keep the show on any longer. However, I get what your saying; sometimes shows are forced to overstay their welcome too. This probably describes Buffy's situation much better.

On another note, this question just hit me. The island has healing powers right? Locke isn't a paraplegic anymore, and the elderly African American woman (sorry, I forgot her name for the moment) doesn't have cancer anymore, and all this happened ever since they both stepped foot on the island. So why in the world would Ben need a surgeon? Shouldn't the island magically fix his cancer for him? My only theory regarding this is that the island picks and chooses which one deserves healing. I can imagine that this would make Ben a little salty, lol.

And my final question, does anybody know how to copy and paste quotes from a sidekick? :\
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
I thought last nite's episode was good but it didn't live up to my expectations and was falsely advertised on the previews like people have already pointed out.

On a side note, has anyone noticed how many people on Lost were also on 24 at some point. These are my two fav shows and I've recently been watching all the seasons of 24 over with my girl and noticed there were alot of people on both shows which seemed kind of weird since they are on different channels. Here's my list of characters, if anyone knows of anyone else I missed feel free to point it out:

1) Jack's father- Bob Warner (Season 2)
2) Jin- CTU field agent (Season 1 & 2?)
3) Juliet's ex husband- one of the Dreisen's sp* (Season 1)
4) Claire's psychic from her flashback (Season 1)- Russian President (Season 5)
5) Dr Candle (from the orientation videos) - Chinese Consul (Season 4)
6) Penny's father- Vice President (Season 2)
7) Bald guy from Hurley's flashback in the hospital that also appears to him on the island (sorry I can't remember his name)- Global Amnesty Lawyer (Season 4)
If you're not first, you're last.
I think the love triangle supports the theory that they are continuously reliving the same events (after Desmond "resets" it). Therefore, each time, they fall for someone else since love is so volatile. This also supports the theory that Jack is an Other and he does not know it, because this would have been the only way for him to get in contact with Juliette.
Real eyes realize real lies!
I read this on another forum, thought it'd be worth sharing.

So now, we're kinda leaning toward the fact that Juliet, although an "Other", is not really one of them. She was on "trial" for murdering Picket (the Other who almost killed Sawyer), and was receiving her "verdict". Jack learns of this when Alexandra tells him after breaking the videocamera.

Alex takes Jack to Ben, who is need of medical attention, and Ben, knowing that Jack wants to "bargain", jokingly says "Here we go again". Jack informs Ben that Juliet is about to be executed. As the highest ranking Other, Ben SHOULD know about this, but when Jack tells him about the execution, Ben looks a bit surprised, and Jack doesn't see his facial expression since he is turned to the side.

Ben then uses that AGAINST Jack. Ben knows that Jack thinks Juliet is going to get executed, but she isn't, so he uses that to save himself. Basically, he's using fake money to pay for something. He writes a note and Jack and Alex take it to where the trial is being held, and Tom comes out. We only see a peek of what's going on inside, but it doesn't look like a trial.

Juliet is sitting on the stage, overlooking the people in the audience. She is more in a position of power than one being under the mercy of a jury. The judge would probably be Isabel, but she comes outside quickly. We don't know what the note says, but it could easily say something like:

"Yo we 'bout to pwn Jack again, just burn her with something holla and act pissed ya heard - Big Ben OUTTIE".

So basically, it wasn't a trial, it was just a meeting.

The Others know all about Jack, so they could possibly be using Juliet to make Jack fall in love with her and gain her trust. Jack has some bad taste for women (Elizabeth, his OG, cheated on him and left him, Kate banged Sawyer, Juliet is crazy, and Bai Ling is DISGUSTING).
Team DUNDER MIFFLIN: Scranton Branch​
"Dinkin' Flicka."​
^ justhotkicks, that's an interesting theory. I don't buy it all though, but I the part about lying about an execution to get Jack to help Ben seems correct to me. After all, didn't Juliet first ask Jack to help and he said "no," then a few minutes later they decide to execute Juliet? Before they were just mad at her, and now everyone's like, "eye for an eye, we have to kill her"?

And who was Cindy? I don't remember her.
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
On another note, this question just hit me. The island has healing powers right? Locke isn't a paraplegic anymore, and the elderly African American woman (sorry, I forgot her name for the moment) doesn't have cancer anymore, and all this happened ever since they both stepped foot on the island. So why in the world would Ben need a surgeon? Shouldn't the island magically fix his cancer for him? My only theory regarding this is that the island picks and chooses which one deserves healing. I can imagine that this would make Ben a little salty, lol.
Team New York Knicks​
Member No. 23​
I'm Everywhere You Never Been And Better Than I Ever Been
i got some questions:

if karl says he's not a member of the "others" and the island where the losties are is what he calls his home.

1. why doesn't he remember seeing rosseau?
2. why does he not know the brady bunch? overhyped the "3 biggest mysteries" last night.

if the kiddies were in a better place, what qualified them to be taken? why were they the only ones taken? where were they all this time?

"There's nothing you can't do if you have a Swiss Army Knife, a roll of duct tape, and your wits."~~~ MacGyver​

My man Vozzek69 shuts it down again, with this sick theory about "the watchers". Check it out:

The Watchers

"We Give Them a Better Life. Better Than Yours."

Cindy and the kids are back. They come strolling right up to the edge of Jack's cage like they're out for a casual walk in the jungle. It's no coincidence they show up just as Jack's 'waking up' in his cage, leaving the producers that eternal LOST escape hatch that hints to the fact Jack could be dreaming. But in this case, I don't think he is. He may still be unconscious, but he's definitely not dreaming.


Cindy and the kids aren't what's important. Look at the people behind Cindy. These are not the Others... they're the 815 survivors that were dragged into the jungle. They're dressed for a air-conditioned plane ride, not for a walk in the sweltering heat. They're placid and curious, yet silent and observant. They "came to watch".

As Jack asks Cindy "What are you doing here with THEM?" (meaning the Others) Cindy responds with "They're not... ummm..." and then stops herself. She can't explain to Jack that these people are not the Others. "It's complicated". Yeah Cindy, it sure is.

These are the WATCHERS. We're going to see a lot more of them. I'm pretty sure we may have seen some of them already. I don't think they're really on the island, but I don't think they're NOT on the island either. These people are disconnected from everyone else. They're in a better place - another place (another life?). And I think they're probably responsible for the whispers, too.

Needless to say, this is a BIG revelation. Want some proof? Check out the two photos below:


I noticed the creepy guy in the yellow shirt staring through that window and thought it was pretty strange, the way he seemed to be ignored. Yet he shows up with Cindy and company. He's not an Other... he's not really there. He's a watcher, and he's doing what the watchers do: he's watching. I'm reminded of an early whisper from season one: "Should we help them"? No help. Just a bunch of watching.

Another really cool possible 'watcher' sighting was pointed out on DarkUFO's site this week:

And hey, remember the deleted ABC photo of the little girl standing in the room during one of the earlier episodes this season? Was she a set accident or a watcher? Did the producers choose not to reveal her yet, and cut that scene intentionally?


It would completely explain the wispers.

"I think he sees us"
"Should we help him?"

From the season 2 finale:

This is no good (or) Let's do something (or) We're near them
He's asking him something
Yeah but what happened
They saw a smoke signal
Did (does) somebody see you (or) It looks like her but
You' re on her right
Behind you
I'll have to listen to the dreams (trees) to learn (find) something
He'll need to instruct you (or) Do we ambush
Why can't you (two) do it (or) Can't you see
(Sawyer gets hit with dart)
Got to have a team with you
Okay crank it up
(Kate: Sawyer!)
I knew that something bad would happen
I assume this is how you would do it
Don't tell anyone he wants it done (or) Don't want anyone to die
Lets assemble them (or) This is similar (or) What's this symbol of
(Jack: Run! Go! Go!)
It was her
So she was never taken (or) So she must never take it (or) I'm sure it's just new to you
Said I was about to (or) Someone attacked them
Get your butt out of there
Try the sequence
Had to be given lessons
Turn it on beside you
Don't do it
Don't see
You're gonna have to do it
You are too
Why can't we choose (or) I can't reach it
Two more people (or) Too young people
I'm frightened
Come on it's simple
Intruder alert
Do you think I should I lock this
No , I've seen them before
Close the door
You all need me

Here's his complete review of last night's episode:
^ G4x, good find.

I've always wondered about the whispers. It sounds pretty reasonable that the whispers are connected to the "watchers," but I'm not convinced yet that they're not on the island.

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
I have a question:

When the Others leave the island at the very end of the episode, because it is not safe, it appears that they leave on the same boat that Michael and Walt left on. If so, how did they get the boat back? Michael was promised that he could go "home" with his son. What if Ben refers to "home" as being the island that he lives on, and thus promises Juliet and Jack that they can go "home"? Maybe Michael and Walt are still really somewhere else among the Others?
"Yo we 'bout to pwn Jack again, just burn her with something holla and act pissed ya heard - Big Ben OUTTIE".

I actually thought the explanation of Jack's tattoo was pretty good.

That screencap with the dude in the window is freaky.
Michael was promised that he could go "home" with his son. What if Ben refers to "home" as being the island that he lives on, and thus promises Juliet and Jack that they can go "home"?
Team New York Knicks​
Member No. 23​
I'm Everywhere You Never Been And Better Than I Ever Been
nice find g4x! those are freaky pics

"There's nothing you can't do if you have a Swiss Army Knife, a roll of duct tape, and your wits."~~~ MacGyver​

good find g4..yup Bai Ling is NOT attractive at all...

so let me get this straight...If jack was in Thailand why did he get Chinese tatoos from someone who lives there?

Team AM Fam
i recall that sawyer was also in phuket, there's a possibility that they could have met.

"There's nothing you can't do if you have a Swiss Army Knife, a roll of duct tape, and your wits."~~~ MacGyver​

Good job on the bumps, everyone.

^this whole got damn show is creepy
a conversation with me as if they knew my thoughts.

whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
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