Official LOST thread - gone to NT heaven

I think it's pretty obvious that they left some people behind and the guilt is causing Jack to lose it.
TEAM DUNDER MIFFLIN: Scranton BranchDwight Schrute:Ryan Howard: I don't think you realize what you're saying.
Amazing episode. Just outstanding. I had the pleasure of watching in on HD...what a difference. Anyway..the whole "flash forward" with Jack was pretty strange as it was happening. The beard and the short haircut were fishy, the Moto cell phone of course, and when he pulls up to the funeral home in his truck, there were a couple of dudes there that lead me to believe that he couldnt be in that couldnt have been his father in the casket, which meant it couldnt have been a flashback. I was thinking it was Locke in the casket too, but who knows at this point. Trippy as hell.......

Walt lookin all grown was weird. Charlie goin out like a champ was great, even though it was sad to see him go. Mikhail needs to die ASAP.

I was thinkin that Naomi was part of the Dharma group as well, seeing as how Ben and the "others" killed em when he was younger. Locke wanted Jack to put the phone down because he knew he'd be calling the "bad guys".....and whoever answered jack's phone call creeped me out.

Hurley had me rollin with the V-Dub.

The peak at the "future" isnt set in stone for me.....maybe it really is what happened, or it could be a look at an alternate future as it stands now....the end of season three. There is a lot left to the show, and perhaps pending events will influence the "undetermined" future........

Now we wait for the DVD, and then the new season......MONTHS from now.....oh geez.....
"And I'm....CHI-TOWN'S FINEST, where you at, the whole CITY behind us."

Okay, let me break it down...

JULIETTE or BEN die. Who else on the island would Kate NOT go see?

And on to NAOMI. This chick is with DHARMA. She had to act like she crashed and was searching for the island! Otherwise they wouldn't be able to gather all the LOSTIES together to kill them or do whatever!

SUMMARY - NAOMI is a trickster and I would tatter Kate.
Jeremy Bentham

Supposedly that's the name of the guy in the newspaper.

Sounds like it might be a character we haven't met yet.

In response to mrmossyman84, I don't think they'll be rescued by Naomi's people. I think there's going to be some conflict that arises. I'm guessing that Jack and Kate and the rest won't return to the real world until a much later date and it won't be Naomi's people that rescue them.

gottagitdemjs and bigsameer
whywesteppin - 23ska909red02 - KingLouisXIV - DS 530s Finest - sir hendrix - Rexanglorum - Kiddin Like Jason
Me fail english? Thats unpossible. ~Ralph Wiggum
The peak at the "future" isnt set in stone for me.....maybe it really is what happened, or it could be a look at an alternate future as it stands now....the end of season three. There is a lot left to the show, and perhaps pending events will influence the "undetermined" future......
I guess murder has a statute of limitations if you get in a plane wreck.
"The Englishman, with his Bible in the one hand, and his opium pipe in the other, has no redeemable qualities."

AIDs ain't nothin' but a number.
that was the best episode of this season by far imo.
but yeh, the whole fast forward thing instead of goin bacc got me buggin?

so they did get rescued?
I don't get it.
I'll ask marsha aka naomi what she knows, but she didn't say much when I seen her a week ago on Larchmont.

walt looked hella old.
where the hell is michael? I don't get it.

feb 08 til we see a new ep? nawww, i'll go crazy. DAMN!

but what the hell? damn I need some forward 08 season spoilers but I doubt the producers even have a leak yet since they might not even know where they're goin with this story.

DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
Did anybody catch when Jack told that head surgeon to call his dad and have him come down to the hospital? He said something in the regards that if he was drunker than his dad, then fire him. Isn't Jack's dad dead though?
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10 World Series Championships​
Smith - Musial - Boyer - Brock - Gibson - Schoendienst - Slaughter - Dean - Sutter - Busch​
^ I don't know about that. I too will be going crazy in anticipation, but I think the writer's have everything planned out. They know where they're going. It's only a matter of time before spoilers hit the scene. Those will be hard to resist.
"The Englishman, with his Bible in the one hand, and his opium pipe in the other, has no redeemable qualities."

AIDs ain't nothin' but a number.
I happen to think the body in the coffin is Ben. That would be a reason why nobody would show up to the funeral.

CRAZY!!!!! EPISODE!!!!!!!

Great way for Charlie to go.

I think Ben was actually telling the truth this time, and Naomis people really are the bad guys. I think the Others and the Losties will team up next season because of this.

QUOTE from whywesteppin . I think the island is bringing generation after generation to the island because they possess unique qualities, such as being a skilled surgeon or being good with guns, etc. Locke's father may have been the original leader of the Others before Ben took over. I wouldn't be surprised if we discover some links between the Others and the Losties next season (i.e. a common parent or something).

Maybe, since you can't have children on the island, these people have to be sent back to the real world to procreate, and then their children are brought back to the island."

good theories man, i've had the idea that locke's dad was the "old leader", i mean they both seem terrific at conning... what if locke and ben were brothers?? they seem to share certain qualities.. who knows

also jack's dad looks like the guy in the haunted house (forgot his name) that gives orders to ben...

screencaps before have shown this
i'm thinking the man in the casket is sawyer. he has no family and he and kate never got together. this is somewhat related to what jack said to kate when they were walking towards the tower.

locke is an idiot! how could he go after jack and not ben? he just had been shot, left for dead and walked away...what a wuss!
L I O N H E A R T​
A nonchalant and shy student from Balamb Garden. Equipped with a gunblade, a combined sword and gun, and eager to join the elite military organization known as SeeD who are elite combat specialists who will fight the ultimate battle against the Sorceress for the sake of the world. He is thrown into the dark, mysterious conspiracy of rivalry in a world soon to be plagued by chaos.
Not to start a racial fude but...

As for the coffin - Michael, Locke, Ben, or Sawyer seem to be the only possibilities.

The funeral was in a African American neigborhood. (I dont know the best way to put it so sorry)

IE - The people you see when jack stops.

Im thinking its Micheal.

I also believe that you cannot kill someone on the island until there father is dead.
my .02 cents.:

i thought charlie went out like a sav.

sawyer gave the evil eye after he murked dood w/ the hammer.

i have no idea whats going to happen next....with all the drama going on, idk how anyone on the island can trust each other.
Whoever got the kilos got the candy man​
I'm surprised nobody mentioned this but...

The black surgeon Jack was talking to....

isn't that the same dude that took care of Locke, during Rehab

Right after Locke got pushed out of the window, he was at the hospital lying in bed. Then you see the black dude walk in and tell him it's time for rehab exercises and forcefully lifts Locke into the wheelchair

or am i bugging?

And yeah, Obviously Jack is depressed after leaving the island. His life is empty now. He's no longer the leader, his ex-wife is pregnant with some other dudes baby (no chance to get back together). So Jack pops oxycodon.

It's made clear that Jack wants to go back to the island and said it was a mistake to leave

I think the biggest clue was the "gold pass" Jack uses in order to fly between countries searching for the island again. Like someone pointed out, this is very similar to Jack's pops. Jack's dad went back and forth between the same countries as well. (minus japan?)

meaning Jack's dad was at the island before. Which leads to this nice idea...

Maybe, since you can't have children on the island, these people have to be sent back to the real world to procreate, and then their children are brought back to the island.
if u were a burger at McDonald's you'd be McGorgeous​
"The body of Je..ham of
New York was... shortly after
4a.m in the... of Grand
someone needs to get some pics of when jack first saw the newspaper, not when he was holding it


"So What if Our Parents are Loaded"
I was thinking the funeral looked like it was Micheal's. Black neighborhood... black preacher... (not to make it a race thing, but that's who first came to mind) he betrayed everyone and killed 2 ppl so i'm guessing he isn't liked too much by most.
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The new chief of surgeon or w/e isn't the same black guy from the rehab. Im pretty sure because i knew his face from another show, and if his face appeared in season 2, im pretty sure i would remember. But hey i could always be wrong.

Still wondering why Naomi had a picture of Desmond and Penny. Has to be a big clue to as to who she's affliated with.
Who's in the casket? Could it be Alpert, the never aging right hand man of Ben? Or is it Jacob or Ben? The reason Jack was sad because that person might be the only person who can bring him back to the island.

read this from someone's Lost blog
yeh, I was puzzled too now that those scenes were flash forwards instead of flash baccs.
when jacc was in the pharmacy and mentioned that his dads name was on the prescription and even in the hospital he told the surgeon (Mike from "las vegas" nbc show) that "who's drunker me or my dad?" I got really super confused. what the hell is goin on?
his dad wrote the prescript. his dad was drunker then him in the hospital but he's dead, sounds like steve from ISS type confusion.

but damn he needed some vicodin's bad man.
DJ Homicide, DJ AM, DJ Ben Baller = A M C
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