Official lurkers of nt please post

This feels like when people are coming out of the dark in a movie.

Someone yelling "it's ok, you can come out now".
I'll post if I feel like I have something to say. Most of the time, my comment is unnecessary.

Also, I don't really like sneakers anymore. So I don't really lurk as it is because I stopped going on NT as much.
I don't understand the logic behind lurking. Albeit, I don't post as avidly as I once did, but I still chime in on things that interest me. But to never post at all... The thought just seems strange to me. You guys have some deep seated voyeur shtick? :lol:
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Been on NT since I was in high school...that was 99-2003. I used to post more frequently years ago. I still browse daily, but I rarely feel compelled to post.
started lurking in 08. that was when nt had banners up every year it got older. for the 8th year it had up a design that looked like the pattern on the playoff 8s. :smokin

it was that year i seen jrose post so i kept lurking and reading da site
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