Official Manny Pacquiao vs Antonio Margarito - November 13th, 2010 9pm - Dallas Cowboys Stadium

Maragrito has no movement and little to no power.
Pac-Man must have promised Jerry he would put on a show.
And not knock Margarito out in the first 3 rounds.
fighters often dont know what round it is....

if Manny doesnt get rid of tonio soon, its gonna be a rough one if it goes 12
I wish y'all guys would understand what the trainers are telling him in Spanish they have me in tears right now
I wish y'all guys would understand what the trainers are telling him in Spanish they have me in tears right now
I thought Margarito was done. Guess not. These last two rounds have been good. That eye might not make it past the next round or so.
I thought Margarito was done. Guess not. These last two rounds have been good. That eye might not make it past the next round or so.
Sheesh. Look at Antonio's eye
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