OFFICIAL MARCH 2010 PICKUP POST - no pic quoting!!!

mailman dropped these off. selective bag and boots from hong kong.


via regularolty
Just got back home and had these waiting on the porch.

[Marvin Gaye voice] Aint Nothing Like Some OGs Baby[Tammy Follows]

DS OG AJ 13 and OG AJ 12 White/Red/Black

Bonus Pic!
blacklion - awesome pickups, that XII pic has me so jealous! Thought my OG set was nice, wish I had a DS set though!
...welp, I think I missed the boat on those AJKO's.   O well, but they look really nice cleaned up. 
Thanks again Kev for hooking this up.  Gotta love the some of the fine citizens of NikeTalk.  

Originally Posted by yankee1

K23J...That right there is a very nice pick up. That man has a great future, and I'm not a Braves fan, but that is sick.

thanks bro, for the price i paid i couldnt pass it up. ive been fallowing Heyward since last year when i was stationed in north florida 
POPs ... I ENVY you for that pickup. None the less , its DOPE. I see you already redid the laces up the TAK WAY.

nothing big but is was LONG WAIT.
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