Official Millenial Birth year range 1981-1996 should be split into 2

Jan 22, 2015
I think the 15 year gens worked for Gen X, Baby Boomers, and before that but I think starting from the 80s and onward technology started changing at too fast a pace that you can't have 15 years be 1 generation, I consider the older millenials to be the MTV/BET generation and the younger millenials to be the YouTube/Social media generation. I was born in 84 myself so ppl like ninjahood ninjahood and myself would be MTV/BET generation where by the time we were middle school age MTV/BET was still music videos all day long hours on end.

Now the cut off for the generation I'm not sure if i'm putting it at 1988 or 1989 but I've narrowed it down to 1 of those years, the ppl I know born those years and later are the ones that really don't know anything about carrying crates DJing and already had Serato when they started DJing. They're usually the ones that are early adopters for new social media platforms. They were also the ones that already were able to download Fruity Loops, Logic, Reason etc. easily when they wanted to dabble in making beats.
I think the 15 year gens worked for Gen X, Baby Boomers, and before that but I think starting from the 80s and onward technology started changing at too fast a pace that you can't have 15 years be 1 generation, I consider the older millenials to be the MTV/BET generation and the younger millenials to be the YouTube/Social media generation. I was born in 84 myself so ppl like ninjahood ninjahood and myself would be MTV/BET generation where by the time we were middle school age MTV/BET was still music videos all day long hours on end.

Now the cut off for the generation I'm not sure if i'm putting it at 1988 or 1989 but I've narrowed it down to 1 of those years, the ppl I know born those years and later are the ones that really don't know anything about carrying crates DJing and already had Serato when they started DJing. They're usually the ones that are early adopters for new social media platforms. They were also the ones that already were able to download Fruity Loops, Logic, Reason etc. easily when they wanted to dabble in making beats.

Your suggestion is a little ridiculous and based on a VERY narrow set of criteria for defining generations but I'll entertain this briefly...

Basically everyone that I'm close with at this point was born between '81 and '92. Factor in that a large portion of the population grew up with siblings or close cousins allowing for overlap in interests and exposure and you've basically got no case.

I didn't grow up carrying crates or DJ-ing but my older brother did. I was exposed to it, I'm familiar with its significance to people.

My little brother put me on snapchat. I use it, I appreciated its relevance for a time.

What I'm getting at is that there is a ton of cultural and technological overlap from 1981-1996. All of those people born during that period know what VHS Tapes are (something far more ubiquitous than the two examples you gave). The kids born in '84 had high speed internet at school by 9th grade so they pretty much grew up with it. And the kids born in 96 got to high school the same month the first iPhone dropped. The majority of people born 81-96 have an instagram count and that same group's preferred method of communication is text messaging.

There just isn't enough separation generationally to split that group.
the fact that this bothers you makes you a millennial. theres already a term for those caught in the middle of two generations, Xennial. I'm sure there will eventually be on for these two generations.
Your years are off, the Iphone launched in 2007 so the 96 born kids definitely weren't in HS when it launched, they just got to 6th grade. And for high speed internet if you mean broadband it didn't become common until 2002-03, for someone born in 84 it was after i graduated HS. I have friends in that entire group but I notice the differences between most of the ones born before the 88-89 cut off period and the ones after, yeah most on both sides have an IG account but the way they use IG and snapchat etc. tends to be a lot different, their relationship with social media tends to be very different.

MTV/BET were a big deal before MySpace/YouTube etc. came up, it was what ran pop culture at the time. There are other things i didn't mention either, having a pager and using pay phones, going to Virgin Megastore/Sam Goody's/Tower Records etc. to buy not just cds but the magazine section and even a sizable poster section for posters in your room like how ninjahood ninjahood still has the Tyra Banks, Nas, MJ posters etc. There are a lot more differences

I have friends in that entire group but I notice the differences between most of the ones born before the 88-89 cut off period and the ones after

MTV/BET were a big deal before

Still not enough of a reason to split the group. Of course there are differences...
If we're talking about consumer electronics and pop culture, then each generation would last only two or three years.

When we define generations by more serious things like political, economic and sociological challenges faced in childhood and early adulthood, then we can say that people in 1982 have a pretty similar experience as people born in 1996.

Unfortunately, problems like low wages, student debt, unaffordable housing, a never ending war in the middle east have persisted for so long and have afflicted folks born in the 80's and 90's.
Technology and pop culture are big things but if you're saying more serious things I think 9/11 was a serious event, I was already 17 when 9/11 happened and remembered the world pre 9/11, I had actually just traveled to France and Italy for the summers with exchange programs right before 9/11 and saw how easy it was to smuggle cuban cigars/cuban rum through my luggage through airports pre 9/11 still. Someone born in 96 was only 5 years old during 9/11 and won't have the same type of experience at all. To me 9/11 was a major event. Another one is the 2008 financial crisis, I was 24 years old already then, the ppl born in 96 were 12 years old, that didn't affect the older millenials and younger millenials the same way

This really is only an issue for those born in the 90s. They like the things 80s kids have taught them, but since they’re younger than us their age makes them feel special.

For example I’ve watched all the episodes of spongebob because I had to baby sit my younger siblings and that was their favorite shows. While they like anime ‘cause that’s what I watched..

But now that they’re older they act like weirdos because we like the same things. A 2 year age gap to them is like 10 years for an 80s kid.

The only other issue is being bi... it seems like everyone born in the 90s wants everyone else to be bi or at least have a gay experience
Too much POV porn at a young age
The only other issue is being bi... it seems like everyone born in the 90s wants everyone else to be bi or at least have a gay experience
Too much POV porn at a young age

I mean the internet existed for all the older millenials too but it's more so about the age when starting to use the internet and the stage the internet was in when they started using it. Like I started using the internet in 95 but I remember how big a leap it took in 1999 which was a big year for the internet with Napster, Xanga, Livejournal, Blackplanet etc. Like we were in HS already by 1999, that's why I said the cutoff is either 87 or 88 as the last class of the MTV generation since they were at least in middle school at that time. If you were still in elementary school in 1999 like if you're born in 89 it's just a lot different imo

what OP is inartfully articulating is da span should be cut from da generation born with no internet & da generation born with it.

i agree, i don't share much with folks born after It Was Written & Reasonable Doubt.
i used Netscape internet in da library in da early 90's just to get codes for video games & print DBZ/Street fighter pics. :lol:

that connection speed was slowwwwwww.
i used Netscape internet in da library in da early 90's just to get codes for video games & print DBZ/Street fighter pics. :lol:

that connection speed was slowwwwwww.
Haha, I defitnetly remember printing DBZ pictures at the library by Dyckman.

I was born in 1990 and feel like I was born right before the tech boom. First computer was an old Windows 95. Reading magazines like Nintendo Power. The evolution of the internet. Flip phones. Old tube TV’s.

You can defitnetly tell the difference from the younger crowd post 2000. More soft and open to liberal propaganda.
I think the split might be with the release of smart phones. If you were an adult when the first smart phone released +/- 1-2 years.
im 91 and my brother 96... these kids after 1993 are way different from my year. diff cultures diff attitudes.. go'd to a party where it was mostly 21 yr olds n i was like wow all the dudes out here look awkward as hell n all look self conscious. girls was lookin like children so we left after 10 mins
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