Official Minnesota Timberwolves 2012 Off-Season Thread ... Andrei Kirilenko signed for 2 years/20 mi

bad game last night. I'm getting tired of all the guys cry about every little thing and getting beat on the fastbreak because they want to complain and not get back.
Went to the game tonight and most of it was just awful, horrible. Got there a little late and we were already down 10-2. Rubio was off, went 1-6 from FT line, Love looked like he was playing half-asleep. Down about 12-18 points until Derrick "The Lion" Williams and JJ Dynamite come in and crush! Was so great to see other guys pull us outta the grave and get a victory. Felt good for Luke when he hit that floater at the end too, heard he's been going through some rough times with one of his twins having health issues. 
D-Will and JJ have been such non-factors this 1st half, that if they can start contributing in the 2nd half, we are seriously gonna push for the playoffs, even without making a trade. If we make one sort of SG transaction and acquire a Kevin Martin/Courtney Lee/Wilson Chandler, etc.  then we are really gonna be scary. Even the addition of Malcolm Lee should do wonders.





I was sitting in the stands wondering what he was doing. He just lost it again like did after the 3point shot to tie the game against the Clippers
Damn we got 3 straight starting Tuesday. March to me decides if we get into the playoffs. This 4 gm road trip, 4 at home, then 7 on the road.

Any expectations of a line up change?
What type of lineup change? Other than Love, Rubio and Pek I'm fine mixing the rest up.

Three straight... yeah gunna be tough. But to spin it in a positive way, if you're going to have three games and three days, you want it after the All-Star break where your guys are all rested up for the most part.

I really wish that Phoenix game was at the beginning of the triple-header instead of the end.

And just to get us amped for Tuesday:
I was just thinking Martell and Beas to start maybe. The 2 point guard line up is annoying for some reason. I'm tired of watching poor Luke defend big 2's and 3's.
Timberwolves Midseason Grades


Kevin Love

Love is off to another torrid start in 2011-2012. From the end of 2011, hasincreased his PPG total by 5.0, and his rebounding numbers are about the same.He is the leader in the league in double-doubles with 30, and his PER is at thetop of the league with guys like Dwight Howard, Steve Nash, and Kobe Bryant.Also, an under-the-radar thing I want to point out is his steals. He has played32 games and has 32 steals. All of last season he had 45 steals.... andhe played in 73 games. He's certainly improving that aspect of his game so far,and that also is a testament to his defense which I feel is better this season,especially from an effort standpoint. Oh, and the latest news... winning thethree point shootout 
... themain reason I was happy about that is because you know there are averagebasketball fans out there that don't know anything about the Timberwolves, andjust assume Love is a husky white dude who stays under the basket for the mostpart. Now, they know.

If I was to get on Love about anything, it would be how he constantlycomplains after any type of contact he thinks he takes.

Grade: A

Ricky Rubio

From the time he arrived at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport in June, Minnesotafans have bought in to Ricky Rubio. He has dazzled us with his no-look passes,and pleasanntly surprised us with his shooting ability from the get-go.However, it feels a little bit like the shooter we saw in December and Januarywas somewhat of a mirage. His shooting numbers have gone down in February, andI'm hoping that he can get those to climb back up the rest of the season.

The "Ricky Rubio Craze" hasn't just picked up steam in Minnesota, butnationally as well. It's not too frequent that flyover country Minnesota willhave a decent amount of national focus, but with Rubio it seems like that haschanged this season. Hollinger called him "overhyped" last week onNumbers Never Lie... we shall see. If someone told you Rubio would be averaging12 and 8 thirty four games into his first season in the NBA, you'd be ecstatic.However, Rubio was in the harshest of words "benched" against Utahfor Ridnour, but I don't expect that to be a constant.

Grade: A-

Derrick Williams

Under normal circumstances, when a #2 pick gets drafted to a 17-win team, he's essentially the man from day one, playing big minutes, and taking last second shots. Unfortunately for Derrick, he was drafted into somewhat of an awkward situation. He's trying to find his natural position in the NBA (SF or PF), and what I personally believe is his natural fit is PF. Thorn in Derrick's side is that the Timberwolves have what some people have dubbed as "the best PF in the NBA" in that spot.

Could he work as a SF? It's doubtful, but because we've only seen him play 34 games there's still some hope. He hasn't shown he can hit an NBA three consistently, and he hasn't really had a play out on the wing that is memorable. In fact, do any of you remember a single play from Derrick this season that wasn't some form of a dunk? The only thing I can think of is his game-clinching 3 against the Kings when we didn't have Love, but would he have even been out there if we had had Love that game? He's shooting 43% from the field which is solid, but like I've said, if he's ever going to get significant time on this roster it's going to be out on the wing, and he's shooting a sub-par 25% from three.

Grade: C+

Nikola Pekovic

The Serbian Sensation.... could have ended up being the most improved player this year if Landry Fields hadn't owned a couch.

Really only good things to say about Pek! He's having a solid year and has exceeded EVERYONE's expectations. He started out the season on the injured list, and based on how he performed last season, no one could have seen this coming. He's posting an awesome 58% from the field, while almost being 80% at the line. For a center, we will take 80% at the line and run like thieves.

When you're on a team with Kevin Love it's not easy to grab boards, but I'm hoping at some point Pekovic can get into the 9-10 range for an average, rather than 7.2 like it is right now. If he can keep up this play the rest of the season, I don't think the center position is a dire need for us anymore.

Grade: A-

Michael Beasley

I can't begin to tell you how many story's Cheese Wagstaff has told my friends and I about Beasley, but let me tell you, not one sheds a positive light on the guy. 

I think we all know Cheech is on his way out of town, it's more a matter of when than if. We've been seeing a lot of smoke out of Los Angeles about the Lakers interest, etc. Whether it happens in less than a month at the deadline, or in the off-season, I applaud him for some of the highlights he provided us with in the 2010-11 season before he tweaked his ankle.

As for the guy's performance this season, it really has been uninspired. Averaging 12 PPG and 5 RPG, 65% from the line 
, barely seeing any time on the floor anymore (which peaked in our most recent game before the deadline versus Utah where he only played 11 minutes). You can tell the buzz on the internet about him being on the outs has leaked off into his play, because he's just not showing anything anymore.

Grade: D+

Wes Johnson


21% from 3PT.
38% from the field.
63% from the line (not that it matters, he never drives to the basket thus drawing no fouls)

Grade: F

JJ Barea

His stats won't excite you, but he certainly passes the eye test. Anybody that has watched the Timberwolves with a HEALTHY Jose Juan Barea can tell you that he's a difference maker. He's a complete annoyance to the other team, and is just a sparkplug all over the court when he checks in. He gives other teams' players a reason to not enjoy playing the Timberwolvers, because they know the Puerto Rican will be dribbling every which way and flopping at any given opportunity. However, I feel like every team NEEDS a guy like that. Someone who creates bad blood between teams.... Andrew Bynum knows what I'm talking about.

Only 34 games have passed, but I've totally bought into JJ Barea as a bench player or even a starting "shooting" guard until we actually bring in a legitimate one. Hopefully the second half is injury free for the guy, lord knows he dealt with enough in the first half.

Grade: B

Luke Ridnour
That floater
, those games where he goes 8/8
, those games where he goes 1/9
... Ridnour is truly like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates. He's actually has had a solid season, and has carved out a role for himself on a team where I thought his future would be short-lived.

He's shooting an impressive 45% from the field, and seems to be helping the team in any way asked/adapt to whatever role given to him. Whether that's starting PG, starting SG, off the bench, whatever.

Really happy that he he got that floater to go last Wednesday
... still remember him running across the screen going absolutely NOWHERE after Love nailed the game-winner agianst LAC

Grade: B+

Meh, Darko/AR15/Martell/Tolliver... all those guys... none of them really deserve their own reviews. If any of them step up in the second half, they'll get their due if I do "Season Grades".
Good post.

My thoughts at midseason:

I know trades aren't really that frequent but the more I think about it the more I am seeing the Wolves trading DWilliams even though Kahn will get killed by the national media.

As I believe I mentioned before I'm only seeing him sticking around if the Wolves sit him down in May and convince him to spend an offseason dropping 20 pounds and working on nothing but his outside game and ball handling. That still might happen.

Pek is also going to be seeing a relatively monster contract coming up soon the way this has played out and I'm interested to see how this is factored into their plans. You can best believe Pek's agents are drooling right now.

As we've gone over the first order of business is to acquire a veteran sniping shooting guard whether that be via trade or free agent. I have been honestly amazed at how inconsistent most of our guards and wings have been on this level.
I don't know guys. I like this team and I like Beasley. Get that SG and I don't think we have to trade anyone. Darko and Wes excluded.
Pretty much let or trade either Malcolm, Martell, or AR go and go grab--the only sg i see is courtney lee since he already played for rick, and were good. I think it's good that Rick can have all this talent then he can decides who play or not.

I will not give up on Beasley
Beasley has a game like this every three weeks or so and then goes back to his mind-numbing mistakes and carefree attitude.
Love your squad guys. I was pulling for that W last night against the clips. Hope yall get the W in at the lakers tonight. Beasly is one of my favorite players, i hope he doesnt get traded. GL tonight!
If we have to trade him, I want a lot more than a damn 1st round pick. I mean, we need a sg. 
Besides the Beasley rumors is there any other trade rumors involving us?

Nice game but man missing all those open shots in the 3rd hurt us
Can't believe we're 3-0 against the Clippers. That's awesome.

Bill Ingrim of Hoopsworld said we're going after Jamal Crawford hard (as have other writers), Ray Allen, and Stephen Jackson. Just think how much better we'd be with any of those 3 at SG?!

Interesting week coming up. We'll see!
Jamal Crawford is what's needed. They need a SG who is also a closer and there's few in the game better than Jamal.
Id love to see Ray Allen here but then again his age. But dude is money from the field. If i trust anyone to close a game or hit a dagger. Its Ray.
Maybe one last shot, yeah. I don't see him having enough juice to be a complete closer to take over a game in crunch time anymore though. I'd rather have the youth on this one.
Rubio hitting the Rookie Wall is tough to watch. Love tweeting that he walked in the locker room and Rubio called him a "Douche"

Luke for Jamal sounds good to me if that happens. To me you would have to switch the line ups a bit for sure.

Starters: Rubio, Martell, Beasley, Love, Pek
Bench: JJ, Jamal, Wes, Derrick, Darko/AT/AR/Miller
Jamal did nothing last night that made me want us to trade for him. And I was for it before I watched him against us. With that said, he did have 23 on us last time we played. Luke was great last night, and I know he's not an exciting player, but he's ALWAYS solid, and sometimes great.

We may need him even more now that Barea sprained his ankle last night. He also said it's worse than last time he sprained it.
Silver lining? Maybe we get to see Malcolm Lee!
One game is no reason to throw in the towel on Jamal. Like I said before theough...They do not need him to come in and score 25 pts/game. They could use him in crunch time as a player who can take over the game, which is something Minnesota doesn't really have.
Yeah I hear you, I think one game of awfully-taken shots, and huge bricks really swayed my mind. I just don't think I want to give Luke up for him. Wish we could give em Randolph or something.
I like Luke too. In fact, I really like this team as it stands right now, and would much rather grab our SG of the future in the draft, but there's no gaurantee it works out so nicely.
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