Official MMA Thread-UFC on FOX 3, 5/5/12 - Anyone asking for stream links = banned.

how can people pay for this
too much dancing by both. evans wins by getting multiple takedowns. rampage had a greatchance to knock evans out but didnt capitalize. rematch will happen i bet
rashad is damn lucky rampage missed those wide open shots when he got him down in the third. it should have ended right there if rampage even landed one of them after the initial one that caught evans.

i think rampage thought the fight was when herb dean came over. he just stopped throwing bombs for a second and rashad recovered. 
That main event fight nearly ruined the card but that Duffe getting KO'd made it a decent card. I truly feel sorry for people who bought this card
Dissapointing fight. Rampage didnt look like RAMPAGE. Duffee lulz. Dude went down hard. Sanchez needs to go back to 155. And Im a big Rogerio fan but Brilz won that fight. Bisping looked a lot better in his stand up. Not anything memorable. Besides that sweet KO and that BS decision. The blackhouse gets some weird decisions. Hmmmm better investigate. Peace.
Maywheather vs. Pacqauo (s/p) Please hurry the F#^& up!!!!!!

Tonights main card was straight trash. Rampage had the fight won but stopped punching/pressuring Rashad in the 3rd

Thanks for the link fellas, thank God i didnt have to pay for this doo-doo.
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