Official N.Y. Yankees 2012 SEASON THREAD (45-28) Vol. 6/25-27 vs CLE .. CC to the DL, & now Andy too


u guys are too much , i lost my teeth laughing at that
I'll be at work too, but I have a tv there

and am I the only one whose going to miss Kim Jones, she was great
Yankees Opening Day 4/6 at TB:
Jeter 6
Granderson 8
Cano 4
Rodriguez 5
Teixeira 3
Swisher 9
Ibanez DH
Martin 2
Gardner 7
Sabathia 1
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

stop stealing my thunder BK I posted lineups on the last page!!
A picture is worth a thousand words

I may go and watch the game by a friends house. If I do, enjoy the game everyone! If not, I'll be here posting with you, my Yankees fam
Dude went in on Markovitz already on Francesca's show.

'Her hair looks like it's wind blown and she's in an indoor stadium!'
Let's get 28! A-Rod about to make believe its 2007 again.

Haven't made up my mind about Markovitz yet...
Calling it now, Luke Scott has the best facial hair in the league 

Wait, when did the Rays get Carlos Pena back? Had no clue.
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