Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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This guy can clean up boards against any defender in the game. He leaves a lot to be desired, but he still can dominate a game because of his size, power, and strength relative to his counterparts. The competition isn't there, I know, but he simply just doesn't got it. I would love for a reincarnated Hakeem to come in and drop 50 on this bum so he realized just how weak he really is. Maybe then he would get the clue that he can be sooo much better than he is. Nothing worse.
I applaud Dwight for basically saying "Who is Kobe that I should have to answer to him?"


It's whatever. Kobe got his rings already. Dwight needs to man up and get his. No reason why the most dominant Center in the League for the past however many years has 0 rings. That's weak. He needs to stop being a prima donna and start bangin' heads.

What does having rings have to do you with you disrespecting him as a man?

This is the problem, you think his rings give him the right to say whatever he pleases and that's not the case. Dwight said it best "This is my career I have to do whats best for me. If i go down the next day you guys just move on, no one is going to take care of me. I have to do that."

If Kobe or anyone else can't respect that they're living in a fantasy world.

Please...Dwight is a baby. He doesn't have to listen at all, but if he demonstrated just half of the fire that Kobe does, then we'd be looking at a much more dominant big man. It's not about the rings. It's about the attitude that Dwight lacks. And in this game, you play for Championships. With Championships you get rings. Kobe has a lot of those. Dwight has none of those and should at least have a few, but probably never will because he is soft. Maybe he should listen to Kobe. Dwight thinks he's this big superstar, but I don't see it that way.
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Can't  wait till the Lakers trade Dwight for Brian Grant, Odom, Butler, and Bynum again 
The Iron Sheik ‏@the_ironsheik
The Kobe try to make the Dwight feel good same as dog trainer try to teach ******ed dog how no to **** on floor. The Dwight dog **** forever
Please...Dwight is a baby. He doesn't have to listen at all, but if he demonstrated just half of the fire that Kobe does, then we'd be looking at a much more dominant big man. It's not about the rings. It's about the attitude that Dwight lacks. And in this game, you play for Championships. With Championships you get rings. Kobe has a lot of those. Dwight has none of those and should at least have a few, but probably never will because he is soft. Maybe he should listen to Kobe. Dwight thinks he's this big superstar, but I don't see it that way.
When it comes to playing in THIS game, he shouldn't listen to Kobe. Kobe isn't signing his checks, nor his Kobe his doctor.

But, from what I see (manipulated media POV), Dwight doesn't have what it takes to be GREAT. But as I said, I have never coached/played with Dwight so I don't know how true that idea is.
Does a CEO always know exactly what goes down or how things work on the floor level? Nope! Writing checks is irrelevant. You gain very valuable insight or understanding from someone who has done it before and not the suit on the top floor who pulls the strings. He can be the Boss' butler and be a *** kiss and win nothing or he can go a little rogue, learn from someone who has been successful, and taste that same success for himself.

I'd be pissed if Kobe were yelling at me, but I'd be yelling right back. After I think about what went down I would take all the criticism or whatever into consideration because it may just make me a better basketball player. Obviously Dwight's way isn't working.
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i would have if it wasnt already answered. how did he even come up in the conversation?
He was on the radio here in Sac and it got me thinking why he was the 14th pick in the 2000 draft 
Dunk contest



Jeremy Evans






The dunk contest is BACK!!!!
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I just hope the physical freakishness of Gerald Green, James White, and Terrence Ross' feats will outweigh any gimmicky stuff the others may try. I'm looking at you Bledsoe.

I don't want those guys ^^^ trying any of that bs stuff either. Jeremy Evans can do some crazy stuff too if he focuses on what to do with his body in the air, not what kind of camera to wear.
lol at chuck thinking kyrie would be available as his 3rd pick. reminds me of when he had the 1st pick in the all-time draft and picked iverson over mj
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