Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Last two losses for the Mavericks,

Dirk tonight, 8/10, one turnover, zero free throws. No shot attempts in the entire third quarter.
Dirk Sunday, 8/10, one turnover, four three throws. No shot attempts in last fourteen minutes of game.

Both losses.

Mike James shot attempts in those two games, 11 and 14 respectively.

Mike ******g James.

I swear if he's on this roster next year logging these minutes I quit on this team.

shall i print you out a laker fan application?

with the recent denial of rck we have one spot open...
That was a good ether from Lebron and the heat. Cavs are just dog ****. Cavs fans are dog ****. The loud boo's became silent lmao. Then u got a lil b**** run
on the court saying he wants him back in 2014. LMAO why the f*** would lebron come back? Owner and fans boo him. They cheered when lebron was fouled
hard. franchise sucks d***. I thought cavs were gonna end the streak, have a sweet/revenge moment for cleveland to enjoy but Lebron/heat just ethered them. Im going to watch this game again high and laugh. Kings should stay in sac and cavs should move to seattle, change name to super sonics. 

somebody upset
Would jerry sloan be a good fit for the THunder?

jerry sloan would have westbrook traded in no time

on another note i do not like the way lebron has handled fans coming on court. also how that football player is paying dudes bail

i know you want to be a nice guy to make your image better BUT rewarding idiots who do illegal crap like that is not good in the long run. now more and more people are going to think its ok to copycat and do that and thats when it becomes dangerous for the athletes on court.
Speaking of streaks, how long can the Nuggets go? Besides having to play San Antonio twice, they can easily blow by the rest of the teams on the schedule. Even if they lose against the Spurs there schedule is favorable enough to take the 2nd seed away from OKC. Nuggets being the 2 seed, with home-court in there bracket during the playoffs. Watch Out. :x

Denver Nuggets Remaining Schedule

25 Mon. at New Orleans
27 Wed. at San Antonio

3 Wed. at Utah
12 Fri. at Dallas
15 Mon. at Milwaukee
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Would jerry sloan be a good fit for the THunder?
hmm.. I think that's a great idea..Sloan to H-town 
does anyone think scott brooks is a good coach?

because there seems to be alot of discussion about westbrook and durant.. and not nearly enough mention of his name

just consider these 2 things before you answer the above question (i only watched the last minute and a half of regulation and then overtime of last night's game):

1) the 2 grizzlies' possessions before bayless hit the game tying shot, thabo unintentionally fouled bayless both times.. sending him to the free throw line, where he made all 4 free throws

the grizz then subsequently fouled westbrook on each of the subsequent possesion (he hit all 4 free throws as well)

- please note, brooks knew the grizzlies were going to foul whoever caught the inbounds pass both times.. and he kept perkins (61% free throw shooter) in the game over kevin martin (89% free throw shooter) on both offensive possesions

so with the thunder up by 3, he chooses not to foul.. and bayless hits a 3, with 3 seconds left

(i dont think it's necessary to go into whatever play he called for that final 3 secs.. however, feel free to factor that in)

2) with .08 left in overtime and the thunder down 1, he still had a timout available (which would have allowed him to advance the ball and MAYBE get a better shot than what westbrook threw up)
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Honestly...the more I watch the thunder the less I'm afraid of playing them In the 1st round.

Westbrook is a ticking time bomb. All you hve to do is get in his head and he'll start jacking up crazy shots. He can implode at any moment.

I can't believe he's being enabled to take the amount of out of rhythm shots he is taking on a nightly basis. He really has no clue how badly he hurts his team some nights and no one on that team wants to step up and do anything about it.

I feel bad for KD, but at the same time I kinda don't. He should of been done something about Russ a long time ago. Instead he just chooses to watch.

It's very odd man...the whole world sees the problem and they don't seem to.
^ the real issue is...KD sees Russell becoming better and more dominant than him and the fact that he's becoming robin and its killing him. OKC is lowkey Russ's team now.

hahahaha hell of a response. Great job, no sarcasm. lol.

I say what I say because in reality, and ill of a scorer as kd is, dude is way to pasive agressive to be too great. the game comes easy to him, i get that, but its rare that he just imposes his will. and he def doesnt get in teammates *** when they act like boneheads. if Dr. Frankenstein could just put Russ' personality and blind courage into KD, you'd have a real monster.
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does anyone think scott brooks is a good coach?

because there seems to be alot of discussion about westbrook and durant.. and not nearly enough mention of his name

just consider these 2 things before you answer the above question (i only watched the last minute and a half of regulation and then overtime of last night's game):

1) the 2 grizzlies' possessions before bayless hit the game tying shot, thabo unintentionally fouled bayless both times.. sending him to the free throw line, where he made all 4 free throws

the grizz then subsequently fouled westbrook on each of the subsequent possesion (he hit all 4 free throws as well)

- please note, brooks knew the grizzlies were going to foul whoever caught the inbounds pass both times.. and he kept perkins (61% free throw shooter) in the game over kevin martin (89% free throw shooter) on both offensive possesions

so with the thunder up by 3, he chooses not to foul.. and bayless hits a 3, with 3 seconds left

(i dont think it's necessary to go into whatever play he called for that final 3 secs.. however, feel free to factor that in)

2) with .08 left in overtime and the thunder down 1, he still had a timout available (which would have allowed him to advance the ball and MAYBE get a better shot than what westbrook threw up)

you're wrong, we talk about how bad Brooks is all the time.

Ask DatzNasty
Speaking of streaks, how long can the Nuggets go? Besides having to play San Antonio twice, they can easily blow by the rest of the teams on the schedule. Even if they lose against the Spurs there schedule is favorable enough to take the 2nd seed away from OKC. Nuggets being the 2 seed, with home-court in there bracket during the playoffs. Watch Out. :x

Denver Nuggets Remaining Schedule

25 Mon. at New Orleans
27 Wed. at San Antonio

3 Wed. at Utah
12 Fri. at Dallas
15 Mon. at Milwaukee

I've been starting to worry about exactly that. Say whatever you want about George Karl, but I think with the way the Nuggets have been playing, if they get to number 2 and have home court through at least two rounds, they're going to make the WCF.
Honestly...the more I watch the thunder the less I'm afraid of playing them In the 1st round.

Westbrook is a ticking time bomb. All you hve to do is get in his head and he'll start jacking up crazy shots. He can implode at any moment.

I can't believe he's being enabled to take the amount of out of rhythm shots he is taking on a nightly basis. He really has no clue how badly he hurts his team some nights and no one on that team wants to step up and do anything about it.

I feel bad for KD, but at the same time I kinda don't. He should of been done something about Russ a long time ago. Instead he just chooses to watch.

It's very odd man...the whole world sees the problem and they don't seem t
The only way the Thunder has a chance of beating SAS, MIA, is if Westbrook, like Dwade, realizes that there's another basketball player that is better than him on the team... 
We might talk About brooks, but I don't see enough criticism in the press and media. It's all on Russ.
You would never know the Thunder had won 8 of their previous 9 games. They lose to Denver and Memphis, 2 very good teams, with the Memphis loss being by 1 point in overtime on the second night of a back to back on the road, and people start going into panic mode.

The Lakers want absolutely no parts of OKC.
refresh my memory...numbers wise, could the thunder have even been able of offering james harden the max? i know they gave ibaka a pretty large extension. would they had to amnesty a guy like perkins?
I wish my team had the "troubles" OKC does.

Talkin like they a 7 seed or all their players are 30+ years old.

They have years to work with their core.

An observation from Darnell Mayberry, the Thunder beat writer.

Another display of chemistry between Durant and Westbrook that some refuse to see was on display tonight. It came when Durant was chewing up the Grizzlies and leading the Thunder’s third-quarter rally. KD had scored 13 straight and from the bench Westbrook was shouting to Jackson to “get the ball to KD.” When Jackson did, Durant nailed a bank shot that gave the Thunder its first lead of the night at 57-56. Right before an ensuing pair of Grizzlies foul shots, Westbrook then walked up to Durant in front of the Thunder bench and said “don’t stop.

While Russ' decisions can at times be of question,

this idea that there is some chasm between KD and Russ is extremely hyperbolic at times.

Had they an actual offensive system, he'd jack up less wild shots, the assist totals would be consistent, and there'd be more balanced scoring.

But, the Thunder for the moment, are stuck with Scott ******* Brooks.

Julius F. Wrek
refresh my memory...numbers wise, could the thunder have even been able of offering james harden the max? i know they gave ibaka a pretty large extension. would they had to amnesty a guy like perkins?

Yes, as long as they amnestied Perkins (who they should have never traded for in the first place) they could have signed Harden and gone over the cap because they held bird-rights. They would have been over the cap as soon as next season, which means they would have needed to pay a luxury tax.

OKC didn't want to pay a luxury tax, they thought they had a good enough roster to win a championship. Basically they were to cheap, thats what it all comes down to.
Small observation on the Heat

Getting down big against the Celtics and Cavs... this is a team that's hitting a wall, or running out of gas

But where a lot of teams would lose these games, the Heat are still winning them...

That's scary
Just because I said I'm becoming "less afraid" of playing OKC doesn't mean I think they're a horrible team all of a sudden.
I know they're a great team, I'm just saying they don't have that intimidating aura around them IMO right now.

I think we hve a "chance" because Russ is unpredictable. It doesn't mean I think it's gonna be easy. They can still very well beat us 4-1 or 4-2. I just don't think they're as "unbeatable" as they looked at one point early in the season.

I'd still rather face the Spurs and I don't care who laughs at that or thinks its rediculous.
The truth is were probably gonna have to face one or the other, so we don't have a lot of choices here. But if we do play OKC...all I'm sayin is I have a LITTLE bit more hope seeing Russ so out of control with his shooting lately.

That's all I meant.
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