The only other person besides bryant who deals with a chemist who supplies the best of the best strands of undetected hgh is usain. #Facts
Yall can be in denial all you want.
These chemist have stuff that's so highly specific for these athletes to the point where bryant can be like "hey...i need my stamina to be at such n such level and any injuries i acquire throughout the season to heal within such n such time frame" and literally thwart the whole natural physiological process. I'm just sayin
Those ping pong players who are pros that play super fast...they have stuff for them too. It's highly specific. This aint the 80's anymore
Bryant is so desperate (as you can see from his style of play of hot dogging with no care in the world) to prove a point and get another ring that he will take the chance and use this stuff. I honestly think even if it's all for nothing (meaning he won't get another ring) that this will all come out and hit the fan not much longer after he retires. I can def see someone ratting dude out.
If ron artest didn't pique your curiosity then I don't know what to tell you
ain't no way in hell he should have been playing talking about " I had no swelling". I know fool because you taking stuff. The body naturally will swell as a defense and healing mechanism when operating alone as normal.