Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Lebron over there crying about not getting the DPOY huh? Smh

*insert here* "how was he crying tho?" While not reading the whole espn article.

All it means is that he won the MVP.
Every time Jennings shoots he kicks his legs out trying to draw a foul and always gets the call. There suppose to be more on that this year and call that an offensive foul but there obviously not.
Lebron over there crying about not getting the DPOY huh? Smh

*insert here* "how was he crying tho?" While not reading the whole espn article.

All it means is that he won the MVP.

He is the only player in NBA history that can guard all 5 positions at once. He can win games 1 vs 5 probably
Bulls need to try to get an athletic point guard that can score. They lack the offense to seriously compete as constructed.
Man, these lack of adjustments from PJ drive me crazy. Same damn problems all year long and no changes are made.
Gerald Wallace 
:lol: :lol: Dalembert. Forced a Lebron turnover, then darts the ball as if it's 4th and 5 trying to get it between 4 defenders. Whoever he was throwing it to had no chance :lol:
is miami this good or are the bucks that bad???? it doesn't even look like miami has played hard AT ALL this series...
with a dude yelling behind ray allen he made it seem so cool and calm, but when you have been shooting all your life I guess there is nothing to it....
Before this run, the Heat looked bored out of their minds :lol:

Yeah but it pissess me off because we shouldnt be playin all lightly even if it is the Bucks. Have to establish that playoff rhytm! Lol. This series theyve been goin thru the motions for the first 32 min and then tightening it up the last 16.
Lebron over there crying about not getting the DPOY huh? Smh

*insert here* "how was he crying tho?" While not reading the whole espn article.

All it means is that he won the MVP.

He is the only player in NBA history that can guard all 5 positions at once. He can win games 1 vs 5 probably

Bro get your mouth off his junk

I believe he can guard any position but damn win a game 1 on 5 smh
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