Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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That still doesn't excuse it. This **** is getting outta hand now. I'm not even talking about one player or one team, it's the whole league. It takes away from the game and it's flat out a punk move. The fining system hasn't really worked either cuz refs are still falling for it. As long as the refs fall for it dudes are gonna flop and act like they just got shot with a 12 gauge when they get touched.

Flopping and embellishing calls has been going on for the longest time. As it's been pointed out, it's PART of the NBA. Doesn't take away anything from the game.
At game speed its very difficult finding flops we have the priviliedge of seeing it through many angles and slow mo my dude

Refs are making calls that are flops though. So they're not missing anything.

They're watching the play because they're making a call. So either they're not trained well enough to spot a flop or theyre making calls based on over exaggerated reactions (see Tony Allen)

Either way, its not a good look for their credibility.
There should be a team of refs viewing the game on monitors that confirm or deny legitimate fouls. If the player is floppig, technical foul. It wont take long either, if you watch 1 or 2 replays, you know it's a flop by the time the ref is done relaying it to the scorers table.

It's simply idiotic to accept flopping as "a part of the game". It's wrong and it should be punished.
There should be a team of refs viewing the game on monitors that confirm or deny legitimate fouls. If the player is floppig, technical foul. It wont take long either, if you watch 1 or 2 replays, you know it's a flop by the time the ref is done relaying it to the scorers table.

It's simply idiotic to accept flopping as "a part of the game". It's wrong and it should be punished.

These dudes can't do 1 or 2 replays
The league reviews the game. They see the flops. They choose not to issue the fine because they don't want to. Looks bad on the league
I honestly think its too late now, this has been going on for more than a decade, you cant do anything about it now. If they wanted to nip it, they should have done it in 2003. Its become engrained in playing defense, you remove it then comes lack of offensive foul calls because of refs not wanting to reward flopping. Drawing charges will fade out along with it as well because of how closely related drawing a charge is to flopping in terms of looks.
Can't believe some people don't mind the flopping and just want to dismiss it. :lol:

These same players try to trick the refs into making bad calls, but then get upset when a legit bad call is made on them.
Just you wait, Heat vs Spurs potentially.

You got world class floppers on both teams.
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That still doesn't excuse it. This **** is getting outta hand now. I'm not even talking about one player or one team, it's the whole league. It takes away from the game and it's flat out a punk move. The fining system hasn't really worked either cuz refs are still falling for it. As long as the refs fall for it dudes are gonna flop and act like they just got shot with a 12 gauge when they get touched.

Flopping and embellishing calls has been going on for the longest time. As it's been pointed out, it's PART of the NBA. Doesn't take away anything from the game.

It has been part of the game forever but it's never been this bad. On almost every possession now there's somebody flopping and acting.

As a fan I don't wanna see that **** on every possession, I wanna see some basketball. If some ya'll think it's cool and it doesn't take away from the game, Iono what else to say. :smh:
Between flopping and free throw contests there is no flow to the game. Then you throw in all the commercials andthine outs and It just sucks the life out of a lot of games

Now official timeouts and commercials mean money. So realistically that can't be helped. But the amount of flopping and FT's can be. It would take 2 years max if you went hardcore.
BTW is there anyone who throws a bigger child like tantrum than Lebron when they call a foul on him? Kendrick Perkins and Lebron are both up there.

Ummmm yes, kobe

Wade definitely. Its not even that Bron really throws a tantrum (last night the running and pouting he did was kinda disgusting tho) he just makes the worst faces when a foul is called on him or a call that he thinks should have been called for him is missed.

His faces after calls are hilarious, especially when he actually does commit the foul
Came across this today on DT_

Ken Berger of wrote a great column about the officiating last night: “LeBron James wanted the benefit of the doubt on his sixth personal foul when he was called for an illegal screen against Lance Stephenson with 56 seconds left in a four-point game. He wanted it when he was called for a reach-in on Roy Hibbert earlier in the fourth quarter. He wanted the officials to appreciate that he’d gone straight up to contest Paul George’s driving layup with 5:38 left – his fourth foul. Guess what, everybody on both sides? If you’re so concerned about the officials getting it right when it matters, why are you spending so much time trying to trick them into getting it wrong? … So please, if you’re devoting so much time and effort to duping the officials into getting calls wrong, don’t whine when you’ve suddenly decided to play fair and they make a mistake.”

Julius F. Wrek
Who would rashard lewis guard?
Lebron's honor I guess..... makes sure nobody lays a finger on him 

You dudes gotta be ******g kidding me with this flopping ain't so bad, part of the game mess. :smh:

What about embellishing calls on offense? You guys have a problem with that as well? There is really nothing that can be done to combat this. Dudes will do just about anything for a competitive advantage.
What about embellishing calls on offense? You guys have a problem with that as well? There is really nothing that can be done to combat this. Dudes will do just about anything for a competitive advantage.

actually start enforcing the fine/suspension and guys are gonna stop. when they are missing gm checks they are gonna take notice.
There is an extreme difference between embellishing contact that actually happened versus straight up no one touched me type flopping. 
If we're gonna accept floppin than they gotta go all out with it. I'm talking real tears, hidden ketchup packets, actresses acting as mothers rushing the court to defend their sons,etc.

Then hold an annual flopping award show at the end of the season to reward only the best of the best floppers.
I don't think that flopping is accepted by most fans. I think this was one of the main reasons that Blake Griffin started getting a lot of hate.

Everyone loved him his first year and then last year we see this guy with a Hulk-like physique falling all over the floor with minimal contact.

Also, like someone mentioned before, all the people that I know that don't mind flopping are either girls or they have not played a lot of basketball in their lives. This may be a coincidence, but it's something I've noticed.
What about embellishing calls on offense? You guys have a problem with that as well? There is really nothing that can be done to combat this. Dudes will do just about anything for a competitive advantage.
actually start enforcing the fine/suspension and guys are gonna stop. when they are missing gm checks they are gonna take notice.
i dont think it will ever stop, people will just get better at it. like the sniper in the room flops that cp and bron are known for would stop but there will still be vlade/fisher style flopping which actually looks like a basketball play
Flopping is wack. "O its an advantage to win, its cool, not that bad" that excuse is even worse. But hey what can we do u kno. Since lbj basically supports it u will hear alot more people justifying it
^it might be a good thing that lbj endorses flopping. last time he endorsed something it was super teams and we see how that got shut down
Listening to Lebatard show and SVG saying more Joel on Hibbert. How well did he do on Hibbert? Joel is like 6'8
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