Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Secret about T dot is they really don't appreaceate talent, they never really loved Bosh, or VC to be honest, they love the atteniton that VC brought, Matts Sundin for hockey fans out there was never really appreciated like a HOF player should be, they identify with goons and tough guys. Wendell Clark is god here, the ACC chanted Reggie Evans name constantly from day 1.

Finally players with talent that have that goon tough guy mentality with JV and Lowry. :pimp:
Damn I'm reading all the hype about the rockets and I check the score and they up 1 on Detroit

Thought they would be crushing them. I'm pissed it doesn't work on tv for whatever reason
A bunch of young, big men I'm excited to see this season.




Kanter and Favors

Does Utah have the best frontcourt in the league? They have 4 quality starting bigs and Jeremy Evans is a pretty good bench guy.

Imagine D-Will with that frontcourt :smokin
Cousins is getting screwed with these blocking calls..... 

Reacting very nicely to these bs calls, might I add
Does anyone know if multiple people can use one NBA League Pass Broadband at the same time? This will be on different computers and different IPs. I'm looking into splitting LP with three other people.
So far Harden is playing like he deserves them 80mil. Lin playing well too. Houston might be my new favorite team to watch.
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