OFFICIAL NBA 2018 NBA Draft & Rookie Thread: NT SL Represent!

Who won Draft night?

  • PHX - Deandre & Mikal

  • LAL - Wagner & Not Drafting Galo Ball

  • PHI - Z. Smith, Shamet & Unprotected MIA 2021

  • BOS - Rob Williams

  • DAL - Luka & Little Greek

  • DEN - MPJ at 16

  • SAS - Lonnie Walker

  • Adrian Wojnarowski's Vocabulary

  • NYK - Knox & Mitchell Robinson

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back surgery at such an early age. teams will be lucky to squeeze some good years before he fully breaks down, but are bad teams in the lottery going to wait for him to develop and stay healthy
I see a whole lot of scrubs in this draft.....

Ayton, Doncic, Porter Jr. are the stars... everyone else weak
The Clippers reallllly better hope that at least one of those dudes turns into a good starter at least because I’m not a fan of either of those picks.

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