Official NBA 2K13 Online Association Thread (PS3)

juicyju is no joke

No he aint, he just destroyed me. I got off to a 10 to 2 and then EVERYTHING went downhill. Like 7 straight turnovers off bad/dumb passes, Darren Collison walking while Chalmers shoots n makes a 3, people WIDE OPEN. You name it, it happened. That was the worst game I played in a LONG time :smh:
Had some good games to end the night in a couple of my leagues

Came back from down 20, kept picking at the lead and got the W by 3 at the end

another against xxRich (Thunder)... Bron vs Durant was a good *** game, ended up securing that W too. Durant dropped 37 on me smh. Wasn't enough for Bron's 33,10,5
I unpausedthe league, so any unplayed games before the current league date "Dec 18" will be simulated.

ne inactives that i can replace

We simulated all of the user vs CPU games so there aren't any inactives. Just stay tuned to this thread and we'll drop info when we start a new league. Just add any of us and we'll run online

Alright, ima join tommorow.
PSN Username: JulzRulz145

I always see you online, but you didn't express interest in joining when we set it up. Like I told monkaveli, we're almost finished with the league. But, if I see you online I'll invite you to a game.
^^ just a recommendation, cut the season length or quarter length down. Season will never's hard enough to finish a 29 game season with 5 min quarters
Can someone explain to . Me how I havent clinched a playoff spot but the wizards at 14 and 15 has one
New Fantasy draft starting tonight at 6pm central. 58 game season, all star mode, 8 min quarters. ***. Name is.....nbalive and the id is 251450. Password is - gunner

good luck getting ppl to join this long dynasty its just too long bro
Can someone explain to . Me how I havent clinched a playoff spot but the wizards at 14 and 15 has one
pretty sure it doesn't tell you as a user if you clinched.  I'm 4th in the Eastern conference and tied for 1st in my conference and it doesn't say I clinched yet.
Anyone looking to join another Fantasy Draft League???

My boy hit me with a league he set up.


HOF, 29 games, 6min quarters

So far Knicks are taken by him, and i'll be taking the Nets.

Looking for some good competition.

League name: The League

League ID: 251688

Password: Knicks

once again my psn: DutchesInBunches
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I am trying to go ahead and win a league while i am home on a 3 week break so can i get the info for an active online association that just started or is about to start like tonight. PSN: BasedGodCliff
Anyone looking to join another Fantasy Draft League???

My boy hit me with a league he set up.


HOF, 29 games, 6min quarters

So far Knicks are taken by him, and i'll be taking the Nets.
Looking for some good competition.

League name: The League
League ID: 251688
Password: Knicks

once again my psn: DutchesInBunches

I might dive in this league tomorrow and pick up a team.

And for anyone in NT The League, reach out to the users you haven't played. Only person I have left is TsunamiHair but he hasn't be online in a week. Saturday or Sunday I'll simulate the rest of the season so we can start the playoffs.
And also me and has0991 (T-Wolves) had a crazy game last night. Came back from down 10 in the last 2 minutes to tie the game and go into OT and then our connection was lost :smh:
anybody online and wanna run now ill be playing myplayer just shoot me an invite im on all day today....
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