Official NBA 2k13 Thread

Yeah man, Byron Scott had me playing PF at one point :smh: . Got benched a couple games trying to do too much..I'm back in the starting lineup again though.

Is it me or is it hard to move your grade up in My Player or is it the fact that I'm stuck playing with the wack Sixers averaging about 10 mins a game :smh:

Whats your grade average?

My average is a C. The highest I've been in a game is a C+. Teammates only pass me the rock if nobody else is open and Doug Collins dumb *** keep playing me out of position. I'm a PG, but I've played SG, SF, and even PF :smh:
Easy way for me to get my grade up is setting screens for teammates and good shot defense. Good shot defense is a way bigger boost on your grade than making buckets sometimes. Rebounding and boxing out too. If you do that consistently you'll get it up around a B average easily with those minutes

Set screens and cut for easy buckets or for others to score. Easy grade bumps

I dont even worry about points yet (cause my shot is garbage), I average an A grade with around 12 points and I rarely get hit for bad shot selection, avoid that and you're $$$

Good info!
Man I have "complained" for years that it is way too easy to get an A for Teammate Grade. I am sure 2K13 is the same as the other ones in that it is too easy. You can spam off ball screens and get an A just from that alone. ^ What were you doing before to not get an A? :lol:
Man I have "complained" for years that it is way too easy to get an A for Teammate Grade. I am sure 2K13 is the same as the other ones in that it is too easy. You can spam off ball screens and get an A just from that alone. ^ What were you doing before to not get an A? :lol:

Naw, not as much. Off ball screen hardly give any green anymore. Defense is where its at now, just a good solid challenged shot will give you about a third of a bar.
Is My Player really this fun? I've gotten 2k every year and never paid it any mind
I am sure some view it as fun but as I mentioned earlier, it was much more realistic in 2K10 when you had to play summer league and could spend months in the D-League. It all depends on how you play and what you want to get out of it honestly. It can be fun.

In re: Team Mate grades,
I just think getting an A shouldn't be something that is damn near guaranteed.
Man I have "complained" for years that it is way too easy to get an A for Teammate Grade. I am sure 2K13 is the same as the other ones in that it is too easy. You can spam off ball screens and get an A just from that alone. ^ What were you doing before to not get an A?
Naw, not as much. Off ball screen hardly give any green anymore. Defense is where its at now, just a good solid challenged shot will give you about a third of a bar.
True Story. Good Shot Defense >>>>>>>>
This is ridiculous. It has such potential to be a great game but the cpu rebounding is getting out of hand. After the 2nd quarter in 5 min quarters, I am getting outrebounded by 10 boards. 

Anybody know any good sliders on 360? I cant even win on all star difficulty. 
What I do is turn up Crash the Boards on the Coach Profiles. And on defense, switch to a big man after someone puts up a shot and grab rebounds by yourself
What I do is turn up Crash the Boards on the Coach Profiles. And on defense, switch to a big man after someone puts up a shot and grab rebounds by yourself
That is a placebo because Crash Boards is for when your team crashes the OFFENSIVE boards, meaning it wouldn't disrupt the CPU from getting offensive rebounds. To "attempt" to get more defensive rebounds, you would want to decrease your fast break slider. The fast break slider's inverse is focusing on defensive rebounds.

Crash Boards Get Back on D
Fast Break Focus on Defensive rebounding
I thought I was the only one getting mad rebounded on. Then again I played with the Celtics and they are bad rebounders.
Offline, I would suggest turning down offensive rebounding slider to 0 and put defensive rebounding at 100. For offline that is.
That is a placebo because Crash Boards is for when your team crashes the OFFENSIVE boards, meaning it wouldn't disrupt the CPU from getting offensive rebounds. To "attempt" to get more defensive rebounds, you would want to decrease your fast break slider. The fast break slider's inverse is focusing on defensive rebounds.
Crash Boards <~> Get Back on D
Fast Break <~> Focus on Defensive rebounding
Yeah, but he was complaining about the CPU getting too many offensive boards, so i suggested that he should turn his up.

and if you try defensive rebounding manually then it may reduce the amount of offensive rebounds the CPU gets
Anyone know how to switch back to nba socks and
If u will be able to wear ua shoes in my career
My dude's reaction time is terrible. I try to react to a cut to the basket and it takes a full second, by then the basket has been made. I don't know if I need to get more speed and agility. Not really tryna buy VC either :smh:. And I'm convinced Kevin Martin is not that nice from 3 and Jeremy Lin has nerves of steel in this game. D.Wade dribbles for 18sec, then I all of a sudden glitch behind him and he scores.

They need to fix the pricing for attributes too. 509 VC for one point of speed? rly doe?
I got 99 speed and this still happens to me so try raising you're quickness
Question about playing online...

If a game is stopped (because of the other person quitting or a connection problem)...does the team ahead always get the win?

..that loss that makes you contemplate never playing 2k ever again.. :smh:

Good defense leads to offensive rebound, which negates good defense.

Question about playing online...

If a game is stopped (because of the other person quitting or a connection problem)...does the team ahead always get the win?

If its the fault of the 2k Servers, the person ahead always gets the the win. Its dumb, I've won a game 4-2 once, the games just shouldn't count, IDC how far along the game is. General connection errors always counts as a los for whoever's internet is at fault.
On a lighter note, what's the highest you've guys been seeing for the Sprite Dunk Intensity thing? Can't seem to get anything above a 89.
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