:: Official NBA Draft Thread - June 26, 7PM EST ::

I feel bad for D. Poor kid has some health issues and is falling. He can play for sure. I just hope he has a David West like impact and sticks it to everybody.I would love to see my Bulls jump up and grab him.

And damn. This thing is up 46 pages in a couple of hours since I have checked it.
Originally Posted by I Wear Sneakers

Arthur has knee/kidney concerns and
that is obviously killing his stock right now ...

Dang didn't know that. That would explain. I hope the Rockets get Batum.
YO! Spot on with Utah.

I hate I wasn't high watching that Master Card commercial. Joint was TRIPPY. DF!!!
Seattle and NY and Charlotte are tied for the worst drafts so far
Oh #++%. Ibaka is claimed by many to be the next Shawn Kemp. How nice is that Sonics took him.
So Arthur is still sitting there and some guy from the Congo who won't be playing here for 3-4 years is drafted?

What the hell is that?
Why does Seattle constantly draft big men who have no intentions of being good in the NBA? The'll never win a chip now.
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