Official NBA Finals 08 Game 3 Thread: Celtics at Lakers 6/10, on ABC HD

Exactly, people just need to stop it when they say Pierce was "faking" it and all that. Get over it. That was far from the reason Boston won. Youhave a more legit complaint regarding Game 2, but just STOP with that Pierce was faking it to come back later and make a splash. That didn't force theLakers to brick all those shots in the 4th quarter.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Exactly, people just need to stop it when they say Pierce was "faking" it and all that. Get over it. That was far from the reason Boston won. You have a more legit complaint regarding Game 2, but just STOP with that Pierce was faking it to come back later and make a splash. That didn't force the Lakers to brick all those shots in the 4th quarter.

crowd was more into it after he came back..while he was gone boston had a sense of urgency with their star gone...and who konws..but those two 3 pointershe made str8 were a major factor man..and if pierce didnt get sent out to the locker room and stayed in the game..i dont thnk he wouldve taken those two 3pointers..the crowd has alot to do with the momentum which is why phil jackson took that time out
Originally Posted by acidicality

Exactly, people just need to stop it when they say Pierce was "faking" it and all that. Get over it. That was far from the reason Boston won. You have a more legit complaint regarding Game 2, but just STOP with that Pierce was faking it to come back later and make a splash. That didn't force the Lakers to brick all those shots in the 4th quarter.

Eh, I for one, isn't saying that the whole Pierce fiasco was the reason why the Lakers lost game 1.
I personally thought it was just an act to getthe Celts fired up. I mean, dude is from LA, can you blame him?

I mean seriously, that was on some WWE type of crap. The cheering for Pierce coming out took a few seconds off from the focus of the game watching it on TV.It's like watching WWE. Dude is getting bombed on, then all of a sudden you hear a roar from the audience and a wrestler is running out the tunnel to savethe day.

I again restate, it had nothing to do with the Lakers completely choking in the 4th to take the L. It just provided some S&G's on some over dramatictype stuff.
Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

I don't even know why Laker Fans would even watch the game tonight, because this game will be a blowout. As we've seen these past 2 games, the Lakers are no match for the Celtics, they're too much of a soft, pussi %@$ team to even belong on the same floor as the Celts. Not too mention that Pierce has just str8 up out classed Kobe in every basketball aspect of the game, Kobe need to have his MVP revoked.
The Celtics got the Lakers shook, and i see that continuing tonight. Kobe only scored 30 points last game in garbage time when the Celtics basically stop playing, he wont get that again the rest of this series, I'll be surprised if he scored over 23 points against Ray Allen's D. This series is halfway over via a sweep as i predicted, and i don't see the Celtics letting up now. They can do anything that they please on both ends of the floor against this sorry crap of a team. I see this game being over by halftime, the paperclip center will be half empty as the Laker throw in the towel, knowing that they have no shot to beat the superior Celtics. All signs point towards a Celtics rout tonight, and them Wrapping up the Championship on the Lakers floor on Thursday.
Celtics 121 Lakers 80. Pierce with 44 points and 9 assists, KG with 22 rebounds and 8 blks..
You posted twice before game 1 and we lost. Don't post twice before a game again, we need this one. Thanks.

Yeah, it's just for those who brought it up in this thread
, wasnt directed at you.

I WILL agree that the way they overplayed it was kinda dumb with the music and everything and the Willis Reed crap though. I was watching it like"wth?!?!"
and the ESPN announcers overplayed it too much. "MUHAMMAD ALI" yeah right.

I think the wheelchair stuff was precautionary and Pierce initially thought something bad happened, I can see that being legit. It definitely gave Boston somemomentum, but that's not anything that can really be "fixed" unless $tern is getting really creative with fixing things
. But still, theLakers could have won game 1 if they hit their shots in the 4th quarter though, and Pierce had nothing to do with it.
im not angered at pierce's injury in game. What i am angered about is the reaction it got. Dude goes down like his torso was blown off and then comes backwithin 10 minutes and is pop locking down the lane and everybody is crying "ONE OF THE GREATEST AND HEROIC MOMENTS EVER!" No you dumb piece of crud!He just sprained something and then it stopped hurting! If something stops hurting, you go back to playing. IT IS NOT HEROIC.
Originally Posted by Mayor of NYC

Originally Posted by acidicality

Exactly, people just need to stop it when they say Pierce was "faking" it and all that. Get over it. That was far from the reason Boston won. You have a more legit complaint regarding Game 2, but just STOP with that Pierce was faking it to come back later and make a splash. That didn't force the Lakers to brick all those shots in the 4th quarter.

crowd was more into it after he came back..while he was gone boston had a sense of urgency with their star gone...and who konws..but those two 3 pointers he made str8 were a major factor man..and if pierce didnt get sent out to the locker room and stayed in the game..i dont thnk he wouldve taken those two 3 pointers..the crowd has alot to do with the momentum which is why phil jackson took that time out

Then tell Kobe to pull the same move. Nothing in the rulebook against it.
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

are faker fans gonna complain when they get 30 more FTs tonite? who wants to bet they will all come here and mock people for "whining" about
"conspiracies" whenever the fakers win


"yeah thats right! we got our calls like we should ! ha ha! justice is served!"

No but I bet Boston fans will complain about the calls if it goes the Lakers way.
Talk about hypocrites.

seems like my post flew over your head........wooooooosh!

I'd be pretty pissed IF the Lakers shot 30 more free throws then the Celtics. I just want an even game. Whatever happened to that? Just be consistent onthe calls.

All I want is to enjoy the game again instead being frustrated as hell at the referees.
Paul Pierce: Beantown's Benedict Arnold?
Posted Jun 10th 2008 12:15PM by TMZ Staff

Paul Pierce and the Celtics are taking on the Lakers tonight -- so it's not exactly the best time for him to be showing off his L.A. pridewith a Dodgers hat.

Don't worry -- he's not up to no good. He's from Inglewood.

We'll according to an ex referee....the same thing u laker fans are complaining for in game the same thing that got you all a championship in 2002
Originally Posted by jefffort5

We'll according to an ex referee....the same thing u laker fans are complaining for in game the same thing that got you all a championship in 2002

Maybe they will stop fixing this finals so we can make up for that 1..... Also prove it!!!!
Originally Posted by jefffort5

We'll according to an ex referee....the same thing u laker fans are complaining for in game the same thing that got you all a championship in 2002

Actually, forced it to a game 7.

Get that right.
I didn't say I can prove it...but while yall are complaining about game 6 in 02 versus the kings was the same way..and if the lakers lost thatgame...yall would have been eliminated..and that's a FACT
Originally Posted by jefffort5

But who had the lead inthe series? Get that right....

The Kings. Which would have lead them to the Finals. Who knows if the Kings would have beat NJ?

How does winning a fixed game 6 = a Championship. Obviously, the Kings didn't show up in a fair called game 7?

Yeah, the Kings got cheated. No doubt in my mind. They should have been in the Finals. But don't tell me just because of the game, it got the Lakers aChampionship. They still had to play a game 7. And then move onto the Finals and win 4.
Are u that stupid? If they lost game 6 the LAKERS would not have been in the finals.....u can't win the finals if ur not in the finals...I never said theKINGS were going to win the finals
Originally Posted by jefffort5

I didn't say I can prove it...but while yall are complaining about game 6 in 02 versus the kings was the same way..and if the lakers lost that game...yall would have been eliminated..and that's a FACT

whats a fact? its a fact that a ref is under federal investigation and is trying to give the anything he can (true or not) to reduce his jail time!!! Thinkabout it if your boss fired you and helped the FBI indite you im sure you would make up some crap to get him or the company to go under with you.....
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by jefffort5

I didn't say I can prove it...but while yall are complaining about game 6 in 02 versus the kings was the same way..and if the lakers lost that game...yall would have been eliminated..and that's a FACT

whats a fact? its a fact that a ref is under federal investigation and is trying to give the anything he can (true or not) to reduce his jail time!!! Think about it if your boss fired you and helped the FBI indite you im sure you would make up some crap to get him or the company to go under with you.....

too late man, in the court of public opinion.....2002 Lakers*....hey, i know how it feels. we're patriots fans, welcome aboard.....
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