Official NBA Finals Game 4: 06/11 Los Angeles Lakers @ Orlando Magic 6:00PM PST ABC

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I definitely didn't mean to come off as anything offensive or obtuse. Sarcastic, in jest? I made an effort, sink or swim. But pedantic?

Actually... I'm going to take the high road here, and say that I'm not completely positive I even know the proper usage of the word.
I think it's one of those words... at least for this wor, this time, for me... it's like, I thought I new what it meant at firt, then second-guessed myself and thought 'Wait... what is 'pedantic', actually?'


I always thought it meant... like... almost... 'patronizing', in a sense, like... talking down to a person. An example of what I thought 'pedantic' to be would be if I were talking down to someone who I thought should know basic math and he watched me buy something for $.50 that I paid for with a dollar, then asked how much change I got back. 'Pedantic', I thought, before second-guessing myself, would be if I were to answer him like 'Well, I had a dollar... and... the item was fifty cents... soooooo... a dollar minus fifty cents... is... fifty cents... meaning... I have... fifty cents.' Like, sarcasm + patronizing + rude.

If I'm right, my apologies for coming off as rude and patronizing, but I was definitely intending to be sarcastic.

In the context I employed it, simply indicating the sort of showy back-and-forth usage of an over-simplified point.

If the Magic were the recipient of a missed call (A Hedo push-off with his off-arm, a Dwight shove in th lane leading to an uncontested dunk), I have a feeling you would let that go. If it happened. Which it didn't, so we'll never know. Because that definitely didn't happen. Definitely not. But if it did... which it definitely didn't... I have a feeling you wouldn't have a problem with that missed call. It's just too bad the Magic weren't the recipients of any missed calls late in the game, because I'd love to see what the basketball purist in you would have to say. If only that had happened.

Originally Posted by Guerrilla Warfare

Kobe elbowed nelson rite in front of the ref's & they didn't call an offensive foul...

The nba is %$#@! rigged...
guess you were not born when Michael Jordan pushed off on byron russel for the so called "last shot" huh? yea....didnt think so... @++!happens. deal with it.
You guys gotta understand. All of this Kobe hate is fueled by the fact that King James got put out of the playoffs by this very same team. Its hurts the Lebronfans so much that Kobe is on the verge of winning a title and beating the team that LeBron loss to and they turn into Kobe haters. Kobe has been playing wellin the playoffs and it has fun watching him all season, I hope he gets his 4th
Burns1923 wrote:

And yes, in the games I watch, when there are bad calls made, I acknowledge them. I'm a basketball fan first and foremost, and nothing angers me more in the game of basketball than bad officiating. When a team benefits from a no-call, I don't like it, even if it's my team or teams I would like to see win.

I'm not gonna quote all those other big words you two's are using, so I'll just use this.

My point was before and still is, to come in and pick the one and only missed/bad call you can find, and ignore 17 others is ridiculous. That was the reasonfor me being a douche and talkin trash. That crap frustrates the hell outta me. You will remember won't you, that you put a * next to the Lakers 09 titleearlier in one of your posts. So I wouldn't expect anything less then to be yelled at for something like that, and that's what I did. (with maybe ahint of humor.....a smidge perhaps?) lol

But still, point blank, picking one bad call over dozens of missed ones that went against us is sad. Period. To simply say "well all those other callsthat went against you are irrelavant, this call is the only one that matters" is just flat hating on one team. Reverse it. Imagine the Lakers shot 20free throws and the Magic zero and 1 single bad call was missed and I came in and said the refs screwed the Lakers, they stole it from us, how do you thinkthat would sound? How mad would you be?
Originally Posted by CP1708

My point was before and still is, to come in and pick the one and only missed/bad call you can find, and ignore 17 others is ridiculous. That was the reason for me being a douche and talkin trash. That crap frustrates the hell outta me. You will remember won't you, that you put a * next to the Lakers 09 title earlier in one of your posts. So I wouldn't expect anything less then to be yelled at for something like that, and that's what I did. (with maybe a hint of humor.....a smidge perhaps?) lol

But still, point blank, picking one bad call over dozens of missed ones that went against us is sad. Period. To simply say "well all those other calls that went against you are irrelavant, this call is the only one that matters" is just flat hating on one team. Reverse it. Imagine the Lakers shot 20 free throws and the Magic zero and 1 single bad call was missed and I came in and said the refs screwed the Lakers, they stole it from us, how do you think that would sound? How mad would you be?

I didn't purposely ignore "the other calls" in the game. As I said, in games I watch, I call out the b.s. calls. I didn't get to watch mostof game 4, as a matter of fact. I don't doubt the refs were awful prior to what I watched. Regardless, my point was never based on the entire gamebecause the argument that "the Lakers got screwed most of game 4 so it's ok if they overlook Kobe's elbow" doesn't work. I feel the callwas missed, either mistakenly (
) or purposely, and it indirectlyrewarded the Lakers because they capitalized (Fisher's game tying 3) on a play that I don't believe they would have had if the offensive foul had beencalled. The no-call enabled a game changing play and I don't think it is right for any team to be "helped" by calls or no-calls.

You believe you have the right to "reprimand" ("anything less then to be yelled at for something likethat") anyone who offers their differing opinion or an opinion that angers you? Think about that for a minute. As John McEnroe would say, youcannot be serious.

And I never said anything close to "well all those other calls that went against you are irrelevant, this call is theonly one that matters".

You did.

Again, you're promoting the idea that it's ok to let a call slide if your team has been getting screwed the whole game.

I'm promoting the idea that the screw calls aren't right and the no-calls aren't right. I focus on the Kobe elbow no-call because it ideallyillustrates my point that poor officiating - unintentional or intentional (which I think is the case with the elbow no-call) - can alter final outcomes. Andthat's wrong.

If the officials would just do the job the right way, there wouldn't be cynicism amongst many fans that the game is orchestrated or that teams are favored.
I didn't get to watch most of game 4, as a matter of fact.

So you're basically talking out of your @!% then? If you didn't see it and don't doubt that the officiating was terrible in the Magic's favor,why are you harping on this ONE call as evidence that we get the benefit of the doubt all the time and should have an asterisk next to our championship? Thisone call is more important than the gazillion that went against us last game, just because you were watching at that time?
Burns1923 you speak very eloquently but your HATE against the LAKERS is obvious....

If u were such a fan of the nba as a whole as you claim and you know that theres always a ton of missed/bad calls...

So you're basically talking out of your @!% then? If you didn't see it and don't doubt that the officiating was terrible in the Magic's favor, why are you harping on this ONE call as evidence that we get the benefit of the doubt all the time and should have an asterisk next to our championship? This one call is more important than the gazillion that went against us last game, just because you were watching at that time?

I knew this was coming.

I watched, perhaps, part of the 3rd til the finish.

Now that that's established, order can begin to be restored.

Don't substitute a screwy interpretation for what I actually said. It's important to actually look at what I said, which was that I KNOW the refs arebad so that when I read that the Lakers were "getting screwed" most of the game, I'm not surprised if they were.

I also never said that this one call automatically triggers a " *championship " designation. I think this one call is representative of a larger,consistent trend that's been on display over the years.

I believe that the Lakers generally get more controversial calls than not, whether it's regular season or playoffs. I believe the Lakers will get thatbenefit of the doubt more than not because they are a high-profile team with the biggest bball star in the world.

Certainly this doesn't mean every controversial call goes the Lakers' way. But plenty of them do. And when games get down to the nitty gritty -I'm talking tight game situations or late game situations - do the Lakers' opponents get the tough call instead of the Lakers? We know they usuallydon't. We know how the refs conveniently stand down. We've seen it for the Spurs, we've seen it for LeBron, we've seen it for certain teamsin certain games or series. And the Lakers are one of those teams, I believe.

Yes, the "rest of the calls in the game" keep being brought up but I never based my argument on the rest of the game because those bad callsdidn't result in a Fisher tying 3 that altered the rest of the game. My overarching point is precisely that some bad calls don't alter much at all butsome bad calls do alter things... a lot... even what turns out to be the final outcome of a game and, by extension, a series win-loss column. All of this iswhy the officiating, and perhaps the NBA front office itself, needs a complete overhaul. The seasons come and go, and this b.s. keeps on a-happenin'.

Sure, the Magic could've still won game 4 after the Kobe elbow. I'm saying the events of the game played out differently than they might have had therefs done their job on that call and actually called it. That same elbow would've been called in a February regular season game. Based on all the timeI've seen the Lakers play over the years, the last 10 especially, they benefit from calls more than they suffer from calls. In game 4, with the Kobeelbow, they got quite a tidy benefit from the Kobe no-call, in my opinion. Who wants to see a dishonest game?

Burns1923 you speak very eloquently but your HATE against the LAKERS is obvious....

If u were such a fan of the nba as a whole as you claim and you know that theres always a ton of missed/bad calls...

First, thank you.

Second, I just wish people could moderate the use of the word "hate" for once. It's an extremely loaded word that probably applies only a good20 times out of every 100 times someone uses it these days.

Pointing out a scale-tipping no-call on Kobe that should've been called is not hate. The offering of legitimate criticism or contrary viewpoints is notinherently hate as so many, especially on this board, unquestionably believe.

I'll quote myself to yet again address the asterisk comment:

"I also never said that this one call automatically triggers a " *championship " designation. I think this one call is representative of alarger, consistent trend that's been on display over the years."

Look, the Lakers are 1 win away from the title. Game 4 is done and in the past. I felt that something was especially awry with what I believe was the no-callon Kobe's elbow. I made my points. Whoever agrees or disagrees does so, and life goes on.
after reading stuff at other sites I found out just how heartbreaking this loss was

I think this loss was more heartbreaking for the haters than actual magic fans

they thought they had the game in the bag and lost. %#%% must have been devastating

the creation of the kobe/lakers haters thread is evidence as well
Originally Posted by Jay Gutta

You guys gotta understand. All of this Kobe hate is fueled by the fact that King James got put out of the playoffs by this very same team. Its hurts the Lebron fans so much that Kobe is on the verge of winning a title and beating the team that LeBron loss to and they turn into Kobe haters. Kobe has been playing well in the playoffs and it has fun watching him all season, I hope he gets his 4th
are you saying lebron would not be able to beat the magic even with the laker's supporting cast?
Originally Posted by knightngale

after reading stuff at other sites I found out just how heartbreaking t his loss was

I think this loss was more heartbreaking for the haters than actual magic fans

they thought they had the game in the bag and lost. %#%% must have been devastating

the creation of the kobe/lakers haters thread is evidence as well
so true

Magic fans

Laker haters
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