OFFICIAL NBA Live 18 Thread | Available Now

i guess thats a wrap... i hope they at least consider bringing nba street back. damn gamers went from having at least 4 options a year for baseball, basketball, and football down to 1.
i guess thats a wrap... i hope they at least consider bringing nba street back. damn gamers went from having at least 4 options a year for baseball, basketball, and football down to 1.
yea because only one in each sport was good for the most part (football exception). I'm a live guy but 2k took over and the show was the only good baseball game, 2k was garbage for baseball.

With that said I ain't even know they dropped live this year :lol:
Live 2010 was the last good version, then Mike Wang left and they decided to go with that NBA Elite garbage. Who ever came up with that should've been blackballed from the video game industry. He lliterally killed the whole series and they haven't been able to recover since.
they are smart going the mobile direction. does nba 2k still make a mobile version?

wish they still had mobile nba jam
I was about to ask why this thread had ANY traffic.

Hope they can get it together so we can get some real competition, so 2K can be pushed
I kind of had a feeling this would happen since Live 15 & 16 didn't get that much support.

I will say that I purchased Live 16 when it first came out & enjoyed playing Live Run. 
Supported EA when they dropped Live 16 and plan on supporting them when this comes out. Really want to go back to that era when there was more than one game out for each sport.

Like I said in the E3 thread, I'm waiting for them to show off NBA Live Run since that's the mode I will be sticking to. Don't disappoint me EA!!!!
2​k really have to step up their player models and atmosphere.

I always love the way Live looks unfortunately it stops there, but I hope they can get it right
Is this back for real? PS4? I don't **** with 2K. Live has better graphics and the controls are better.
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^ ladies and gentleman the last live fanboy alive :lol:

i think even the hardest of live fan boys have switched over to 2k and never looked back

live damaged their reputation so bad i dont think it can be saved
Player models and animations look stiff as hell

I legit may sit out both games this year faith in 2K and Live is a joke
**** look stiff as hell :lol:

Live always had better spacing than 2K. So I'll give this a shot if EA prices it under 39.99

Live 10 and College Basketball 10 had the perfect floor spacing and camera angels. That motion basketball!
Animations still look awful.

They need to start from scratch build a brand new game from the ground up.
So EA Sports flew out some well known 2K Youtubers for a special event. They had CashNastyGaming, QJB, Chris Smoove & a few others I don't watch. Can't wait for these guys to put out footage of their experience. I know Chris Smoove is going to keep it real.
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