Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Bruh, this **** is WILD. :wow:

Admins dropping that banhammer with the QUICKNESS once they see zodogg :lol:
all of houston's draft picks are putting in work. i can't say it enough but i think they got a GREAT youth movement going on down there.
I should at least post about the NBA in here.
Dragic is trash. Beasley is a drug addict. Scola is subpar. The Suns should win about 30 games. I'm so gpad I renewed my season tickets. I like Kendall Marshall, but why the hell did they give Tragic a 4 year deal after drafting a PG?
The people running this team are morons.
"League source that tells Pro Basketball Draft that the Cavs will not be including Anderson Varejao in any potential Howard deal"

WHY? Unless the Magic want Thompson instead this is ridiculous

Dude has been injured the past 2 years.,, let him go .. To hell with him
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