Dec 25, 2005
Aight. So the Hawks are inbounding the ball and a foul is called. I didn't see who was inbounding but he wasn't even motioning to release the ball.
The call is that he was releasing (or released?) the ball so they don't get rewarded with 2 shots. DUKE WASN'T ANYWHERE NEAR RELEASING IT WHEN THE WHISTLE WAS BLOWN.

Then Rondo grabs dude 3/4 down the court as hes attempting a last second shot. He ran into him so hard he couldn't even follow through 

NBA aint want the Hawks to win the same way they dont want the Grizzlies to beat the Clippers with the way they award the LA Floppers with drawn fouls and eventually free throws smh lol
GOAT Thread. To answer your question OP the refs don't follow the rulebook against certain teams (Heat , Celtics, Bulls, etc) they just do what they want that whole little conference they had after the foul call said it all. Dude's was like "I know it's in the rulebook but no way in hell can we give them those freethrows they probably will take the lead"
They were supposed to get free throws AND possession. The announcer chose to ignore that last important part.
Apparently Spencer Hawes grabbing Omer Asik by the neck isnt a flagrant foul anymore......
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Apparently Spencer Hawes grabbing Omer Asik by the neck isnt a flagrant foul anymore......

That was a clean foul, he had no intent to hurt him, jus to wrap him up. The foul that killed me during that game was the no call when the WHOLE Bulls team mobbed Evan Turner on that lay up n then yall run down the court n Igoudala blocks Omer's shot n gets a foul called on him smh lol
This year is the worst I have ever seen it. It's seriously pathetic and if it continues then the image of the eague will suffer more than it has in recent years. Disgusting to watch man. The high volume of calls in games when the playoffs is supposed to be "let them play" time and then either the incorrect call or no call at all when there needs to be one. And then there are the technicals..... nothing needs to be said other than the refs need to stop calling technical fouls for every little thing. They really have taken that initiative to quell the volatility of the players too far
That one was tricky. If it was lebron or wade I can see a flagrant. But I can also see the refs swallowing their whistle in that situation.

I woukdnt have called a flagrant there. Can't just let Asia get an and one. There was no malice.
I just don't get how officiating has substantially gotten worse since the Donaghy scandal. Stern is their boss and hes the root cause of this #$#%@@# at the end of the day IMO.
Originally Posted by Dat Dude Chris

Originally Posted by arstyle27

Apparently Spencer Hawes grabbing Omer Asik by the neck isnt a flagrant foul anymore......

That was a clean foul, he had no intent to hurt him, jus to wrap him up. The foul that killed me during that game was the no call when the WHOLE Bulls team mobbed Evan Turner on that lay up n then yall run down the court n Igoudala blocks Omer's shot n gets a foul called on him smh lol

I thought I was the only one that saw that, I had the
face, dude never gets calls either
I cannot stand the double technical call when they are scared to call just a tech on a star player. The other call that drive me nuts in the blatent make up call after they miss a call on the other end. 
The bad reffing is nothing new, especially over the last 3 or 4 years. I agree, I have a tough time watching NBA. They need to get rid of some of the older refs and the ones with egos. The NBA is the only major sport where I know more than a couple refs/umpires name. They want to be stars too. I swear I know at least 15 refs on site.

And to the OP, the refs did miss the first call on Marquis Daniels, but I am confident that's a call they would make against anyone in that situation. It wasn't super obvious and holding goes on every play in the NBA on screens. As far as the last second shot, I definatly didn't see what you saw. No way that was a foul on Rondo, and no way that would ever be called. 
Originally Posted by bostonmarc

I cannot stand the double technical call when they are scared to call just a tech on a star player. The other call that drive me nuts in the blatent make up call after they miss a call on the other end. 
The bad reffing is nothing new, especially over the last 3 or 4 years. I agree, I have a tough time watching NBA. They need to get rid of some of the older refs and the ones with egos. The NBA is the only major sport where I know more than a couple refs/umpires name. They want to be stars too. I swear I know at least 15 refs on site.

And to the OP, the refs did miss the first call on Marquis Daniels, but I am confident that's a call they would make against anyone in that situation. It wasn't super obvious and holding goes on every play in the NBA on screens. As far as the last second shot, I definatly didn't see what you saw. No way that was a foul on Rondo, and no way that would ever be called. 

Thing is that wasn't a "missed" call. They called it, then decided to just say *#%% the rules and do their own thing (not give Atlanta FTs and the ball back) even after review and conference.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Apparently Spencer Hawes grabbing Omer Asik by the neck isnt a flagrant foul anymore......

That's funny cause apparently cyber smoke thinks we get calls. Well those refs definitely didn't travel to Philly cause it was some bogus calls in all 3 games in Philly. That's not the only reason we lost though.
I mean..Well, yeah. Nevermind. I don't feel like getting into it, but I've been saying it for awhile now. The NBA leaves a lot to be desired.
Now that ive digested the Bulls exit from the playoffs, the officiating this post season has been horrendous. There was a ton of fouls that the Sixers committed that went uncalled. 
I really believe that star power and home advantage has a strong influence on foul calls. Lets not forget the NBA is a business and they do want the maximum ratings for the NBA finals. Thats why I wont be surprised to see a Miami/ OKC or Spurs Finals series. And it has been going on for years, look how many calls Jordan got away with in his heyday.
76ers vs Bulls series was horribly officiated. felt like every game was decided by a game winning free throw
Aside from game one where Rondo had his outburst the Hawks and Celtics had ZERO technicals combined throughout the entire series, and somehow still the refs call three techs against the Hawks on the most basic things I've ever seen.

-Rondo drives on Teague and gets the call but was already in motion so it's only natural for Teague to try and block/prevent him from getting the shot off, Teague lightly taps Rondo's head on a block attempt, tech.

-Dampier is fighting for rebounding position against Hollins and felt he was being held and gave Hollins a slight nudge with his elbow, tech.

-Josh Smith who was on the sideline waiting to check in must've said the most obscene and vulgar thing ever for the ref to have focused more on those words than officiating the game, tech.

These are aside the calls missed late in the game. Daniels held Horford before the inbound that's a clear foul should've been two shots and the ball back, and Rondo can truck stick Teague on a final heave and nothing. Clearly terrible officiating which resulted in us losing the series.
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