Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Screw Melo, dude's a loser.


we're talking about this level.

i was as big a fan of dude's game as there was...he has the old school midrange/quickness for a 6'9 guy...

but dude is a loser. what is 5 years consecutive first round KOs? dude and Mac should write a book on their experiences. AND he had help this year soyou cant even argue for him
I don't really care about Melo persay...eventhough he has more talent than our entire lineup combined....I'm just saying when are we going to make apower move.

Everyone is getting better (besides Memphis)...and the best we can do is Zach Randolph?
all against superior teams tho... 5 consecutive your right about that, he's been in the playoff mix since his rookie year, this year he had some problemsno denying that, but he also showed a lot of improvement the last few years. he just needs to get his head not saying i want him on the knicks. buti think its way to early too label him a loser.

and like haze touched on, we havent had a player no where near his caliber on our roster in a very long time.
How can you have a winning mindframe in college and then loose it in the NBA?...I have never heard of that happening before and dude is unquestionably a top 5talent in the L (see the Olympics)

Denver was a bad fit....but no way in my right mind I could just write off Melo as a loser this early in his career.

Put Bron on the West Coast and I don't think he would have much better results.
That's what they get for not tanking the damn season like Miami did, they cost themselves a franchise player.

Pathetic @$! team, thank god my Pistons will win today.
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