Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

How many years does Miller have left on his contract?

Either 1 or 2. His contract would be perfect for the Knicks. If we can get Dre, I wouldn't mind passing on Bayless. But I want a 2nd rounder, eitherthis year or next.
miller only has 1 year left on his contract. getting a pg like miller in a trade would allow us to address other needs thru the draft as long as we getphilly's first rounder in return
Trading ZBo for miller and getting the Sixers first rounder is a no brainer! One year left on his contract. You gotta do that makes so much sensein setting up the franchise for 2010.
i dont even think its been talked about outside of this thread tho. i bet philly would jump on it tho. i can't see why they would want louis williams toplay behind miller anymore

Who would like to see Sebastain brought home? He's a FA correct?

He can pass, push the ball up the floor.....why not take a shot at him?

Low risk, high reward...
I would do that Phily trade in a minute if Mayo is off the board. but if hes on and we do that

and also i would rather have Russel westbrook than Bayless. He is bigger, not a better scorer but he is just as athletic, has better PG skills, his offensivegame can be developed into a nice one he is raw, and he will be a lockdown defender for YEARS. I would rather him than Bayless.
^i dunno about high reward
. plus hes been gettin hit with to many injuries. if he got caught with the hammer in portland he def will f up in ny. i wouldntmind him being a bench player though but no way he can start.
I'd do that trade with Philly yesterday.

And I don't give a damn who we get in return. All that trade is for is shedding salary. Whoever comes here in that trade is gonna be gone whenever theircontract expires anyway. I'll take whoever, as long as we get a substantial amount of money or years taken off.

This is still going to be pivotal, regardless of where our pick is. We have a lot of options this draft, and I hope we make the right one.
I'd much rather take Bayless then Westbrook....

He's not a PG either, really.....for PG's it's Rose, DJ and then a whole bunch of combos..
Originally Posted by Al3xis


Who would like to see Sebastain brought home? He's a FA correct?

He can pass, push the ball up the floor.....why not take a shot at him?

Low risk, high reward...

I'd love to see him in NY as long as his cousin is far removed from the organization. ie:buyout
Westbrook screams Antonio Daniels to me...

And I just can't see the guy being a playmaker...just can't.

He defends his $$+ off and can't take to the rim...the rest of his game really needs some work.

6 is a reach.
the trade seems to work, but I don't think I'd pass up on Mayo...

for a rebuilding team, i would take a potential star player and cornerstone over cap relief...

however, if mayo is off the board, i'd definetly do the trade...especially bc i think that there may still be players of some value at 16, a PG is notabsoloutely necessary this year, a talented player who fits into the team's future is...
People on the Knicks Real GM forum have to be some of the most unintelligent people on the face of the earth.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

People on the Knicks Real GM forum have to be some of the most unintelligent people on the face of the earth.

make that almost every Kncks forum i have seen other than on here
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I'd do that trade with Philly yesterday.

And I don't give a damn who we get in return. All that trade is for is shedding salary. Whoever comes here in that trade is gonna be gone whenever their contract expires anyway. I'll take whoever, as long as we get a substantial amount of money or years taken off.

This is still going to be pivotal, regardless of where our pick is. We have a lot of options this draft, and I hope we make the right one.

I share the same sentiments.

Sorry but I am not in enamore by Mayo. Dude did not really impress me during his one year at USC. He is a player I clearly think that needs some moreseasoning and could used at least another year of college ball. If we had to do the proposed trade with Philly and lose out on Mayo to get the 16th pick andshed tons of salary then it is totally worth it. Gongtta think about getting under the cap while still adding young talent.
Reading all these columns, it seems like the Knicks are surely going to trade down. Just need to find a way to get rid of 'Bo.
^NYK that took me back to being 9-10 years old and just being hyped for the playoff games or regular season NBC meetings between the Knicks and Bulls. I livedfor those we (Knicks fans) live for hope in the NBA draft LOL.
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