Thomas Says Knicks Fans Are To Blame
December 10, 2007 - 10:57 pm
New York Times -
During the Knicks' loss to the Mavericks at Madison Square Garden on Monday night, Isiah Thomas argued with fans in the front row, telling them the fans were to blame for the team's woes.

"He said it's the fans' fault because they don't have a good sixth man," said Mara Altschuler, who has season tickets in the front row near the Knicks' bench.

Altschuler sought out the news media after the game to relate the conversation.

WTF????? SMH. Knicks are becoming one of the worst organizations in sports history.
never realized what a bad coach Isiah was till tonight...

Eddy Curry on Dirk?...the f?....
Nate and Balkman playing 15 min combined?...
and the last few weeks, the offense looks like nobody really knows what to do most of the time...

i have no idea why i still watch these games just waiting for something to happen...

just to spark conversation tho, does anybody think OJ Mayo on the Knicks next yr would be a good thing?, lol, team is missing a #1 scoring option/guard, and ikeep beliving that one day Crawford or Marbury are gonna be it, but i give up...
man.............get rid of Dolan somehow......then everything will eventually fall into place...

get this man in a NYK uniform

someone who knows how to run a business needs to buy the team. Dolan is a fool. how do you endure a 7 year playoff drought while doing nothing about it?

we're 20 games deep. if anything needs to happen, it's now.
never realized what a bad coach Isiah was till tonight...

Eddy Curry on Dirk?...the f?....
every idiot knows how to make dirk ineffective, except isiah. kenny and mike were talking about it damn near all night. it took damn near threequarters to put jeffries on dirk, but by then it was too late. isiah is clueless.

ans to will, curry can be very effective when he gets the ball. other than that, he's useless. and these past few games he hasn't been effective atall. no offense or anything.
I am so disgusted with what has taken place the last three games. I was very concerned heading into the home and home series with Philly and this team playedwith no heart. There is no effort out there at all whatsoever.

A good amount of us on here are complaining and we want Isiah gone...and we have our avys and what not. However, I have to say us Knicks fans are doing ahorrible job. Going to the Garden and booing does not do anything!! The bottom line is Dolan does not care....this franchise is worth 600 million dollars.Dolan does not care because he has our money!!! The last two home games were debacles but there were over 19,000 people at both games. I have said this manytimes before....we as fans need to get more organized with our attempts to truly protest. Booing is not going to about not showing up?! Or if youdo show up.....sit at the game with a paper bag over your head. MSG cameras will pick it up and even if they don't a newspaper or AP photographer will getit. If multiple fans took either of these two approaches I think it would send a clear message.

The bottom line for Dolan is all he cares about is selling out the Garden! What fans have to do is not show up!! MSG does not want to show a wideshot ofthousands of empty seats. We all complain but we still go and we still watch. And I am guilty of this too. The Knicks will not get me to go to MSG right nowand take my money. However I still watch. I just wish there was some way the fans could get together and organize a true boycott. This has been going on toofar for too long.

As far as Isiah goes I am sick of him after every game speaking as thought the Knicks are one winning streak away from being a championship contender. Thisteam is not playing with any emotion at all. As Kenny Smith said last night its time to embarrass some guys in front of everyone. I don't care how muchthese guys are getting paid....if you are not putting in effort you are disrespecting the fans and the organization. Haven't we the fans had enough? Havewe not been disrespected enough to demand a change?! I think its time for us to start to really boycott and stop thinking chanting "Fire Isiah" isgoing to get anything done.
the GR8 you bring up a good point, I def feel you on the protest thing, But Dolan can't really be that simple minded can he? He has to hear theBoo's and the chants of fire isiah, or atleast watch one media outlet and see how they HUMILIATE us every chance they can, or How a hall of fame coachcaused a scandal to once again black eye the franchsie. I mean really since Isiah has been hired hes done more harm than good. We have a roster full of playerswho cant play together and a coach who is so monotone that his own players can see right through his BS gimmick. I wish there was more we could do as fan tomake a change come, but basically we live in a big market, where even if we protest it wouldn't make a difference, too many corporate sponsors, tourist,and BIG Money behind the Knicks to make our little rant have an impact. I guess all we can do now is pray to the bball gods that a change comes, VERY SOON! BTWI will be in the building(MSG) on the 19th to see the Knicks play a woeful Cavs teams Hopefully they can get a W(Yeah Right!)
I have tix for the Lakers game at the end of the month cause my friend is a Knicks City Dancer....and best believe I'll have a paper bag with holes punchedout on standby.

Knicks have no leadership on the team, although Crawford is trying to be one vocally, he's too inconsistent to be one on the floor. He's far from theproblem, he's one of my fav Knicks (besides Z Bo, and the young guys).

Its as if there are no REAL starters on this team, nobody consistently puts up 20 besidez Zach......I said they should finish with a .500 record, butthey'll be lucky to have 30-35 wins.

We as fans just have to accept the fact that the Knicks will be losers this entire just happens when you have a corrupt owner who's willing tospend but has no knowledge of the game, and a franchise that has become a joke.

Just leave the players here, let all the contracts expire (or trade for expiring ones)....and let time take its course. Stop the booing and let them play,because you'd have to have NO SOUL for the booing to not affect your becomes an added distraction.

This is the lineup I want to see for the remainder of the season.

- Fred Jones\Nate (buy out Stephs contract, poor dude's had a tough time)
- Crawford (Q is too slow and injured)
- Lee (can alternate w\ PF) or Balkman
- Z-Bo
- anyone but Curry (Z-Bo can play the 5 in a small lineup).
I have tix for the Lakers game at the end of the month cause my friend is a Knicks City Dancer....and best believe I'll have a paper bag with holes punchedout on standby.

Knicks have no leadership on the team, although Crawford is trying to be one vocally, he's too inconsistent to be one on the floor. He's far from theproblem, he's one of my fav Knicks (besides Z Bo, and the young guys).

Its as if there are no REAL starters on this team, nobody consistently puts up 20 besidez Zach......I said they should finish with a .500 record, butthey'll be lucky to have 30-35 wins.

We as fans just have to accept the fact that the Knicks will be losers this entire just happens when you have a corrupt owner who's willing tospend but has no knowledge of the game, and a franchise that has become a joke.

Just leave the players here, let all the contracts expire (or trade for expiring ones)....and let time take its course. Stop the booing and let them play,because you'd have to have NO SOUL for the booing to not affect your becomes an added distraction.

This is the lineup I want to see for the remainder of the season.

- Fred Jones\Nate (buy out Stephs contract, poor dude's had a tough time)
- Crawford (Q is too slow and injured)
- Lee (can alternate w\ PF) or Balkman
- Z-Bo
- anyone but Curry (Z-Bo can play the 5 in a small lineup).
i think z-Bo and Jamal should be the leaders. they take the bulk of the shots and should bear responsibility in that case. Jones is a stalwart. he's betterthan i expected. Jared shoulda been on dirk the whole night. hell, even give Randolph Morris some PT. he was aggressive in the post last year.
i have now lost all faith in this team...i was in the minority and a big supporter of EC but i have now been convinced that he's a bum...but the biggestbum on the team is by far isiah thomas...dude has the audacity to blame the fans!!! did you see how they rallied behind the team last night when we started tomake a run?? knicks fans know good basketball and we know effort...neither of which we are seeing on a nightly basis...i could live with losing games so longas we put up a fight...i can't believe isiah doesn't know how to take the blame...this is not the fans fault...we have nothing to cheer about so whyshould we?
i cant even believe he blamed the fans.

we're among some of the most dedicated, knowledgable fans in the L. we know good ball when we see it and we know bad ball when we see it. a GM/coachaccused of sexual harrassment is now dissing the fans of a team who's had a losing record since the last 7 or so years, who traded away their heart/soulcenter for bums, who've endured the Layden nightmare followed by this travesty, who've worked blue collar jobs to pay for nosebleed seats?....i'veseen it all.

god damn shame
this season is reminding me of the movie "Eddie" more and more lol...i bet you that team would beat the team we have now...dwayne schintzus, markjackson, rick fox, malik sealy (rip), john salley lol...even the streetballers from that movie playing at the cage (GP, starks, anthony mason) would addsomething to our squad right now
Isaiah Thomas is ridiculous. What a joke he has become, not to mention how he's helped make this team the laughing stock of the NBA He should be tarred andfeathered and run out of the city.
WILLINC wrote:

is he really that bad ?

and thats only when you look at the box scores, if you actually watch the game

SMH at Isiah getting on the fans. All we want is for us to play hard. Thats why the whole entire city was behind this team last year even afterinjuries. Because win or lose you know that the Knicks were gonna come at you and come hard. That is how we were winning games last year, and even when ourplayers went down it was still nice to see our young guys competing tough with teams. This Knicks team is playing wth ZERO heart and it is almost like Isiah issupporting it. He keeps on playing Curry, and doesnt enforce *%++. He is a horrible coach, and his defensive matchups yesterday!! You stupid or something???

Whenever this team goes on ANY kind of run no matter how pathetic this team is the fans will always cheer like they are undefeated, as seen in last game. Butwhat do you expect Isiah? The fans to cheer for not even mediocracy, but disgracefulness? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR #%+*%%* MIND? How about you get your team thatyou started and you coach to play some D and energy and put in the right guys and dont put guys that should be in, on the bench. And MAYBE you'll gwetsome cheers. The fans arent supposed to Boo if you lay down and die on your home court. We pay to watch this #%+*%%* team, we dont wanna see that *%++. We needto be heard, and cheering for poor play isnt doing so. SMH

As for this organization. I've said it all before. No more use speaking of this. The fact that Curry still gets PT and Isiah is still the coach is beyondme. This is supposed to be the year Isiah takes us out of our slump and his whole plan begins to come to form and click. We #%+*%%* suck right now. No excuseshonestly. Whats holding us back is our coach. Isiah has not won anything as a Knick, so its not like we know what hes capable of. Fact is he out together aplan, and it is making us suck, and he is not changing it, and we get blown out on our homecourt. If he still has a job than there is no point in stressinganything casue he wont get fired tis season, which is sad because without him i do truly believe this is a playoff team even wuth our record now, because noother coach would be dumb enough to give Curry minutes on this team.

As for the future. Yalls no i love Marbury. I root so hard for him to be our pg, and i think he could. Fact is he has the skill and he is a player that getstoo much hate and he CAN lead this team to the postseason. Right now though he is just too +!$*+% up in the head. I think his dads ddeath was the icing on thecake. I really dont think Marbury will ever be stable enough to take us deep anymore. He is great and a NY kid so i really hop he could but if its not this itsthe media, and the coaches, etc. He cant take it. If we dont make the playoffs this year and if we keep Zeke we wont. We need to move on. We need to dump himsomewhere and look for a longterm answer at the point like drafting Derrick Rose or MAYBE (a dream of mine) going after Gilbert Arenas if he cant work *%++ outwith Washington because this is his contract year. But whoever it is, we neeed to cut ties with Marbury as well as numerous other players (CURRY for oneexample) if we dont make the playoffs this season. If Steph can in some way come back and play with more enerygy and lead this team to victory when he"rejuvenates" from this tragic drama. Than he earned his stay in NY. But either way, he needs to start. Nate is too crazy at times and Collins justisnt that good yet to run the point. And neither Jones nor Crawford or point guards. There has been 0 ball movement without him its been just as bad as when wedump it to Curry except almost everything has been either guard isolation or postups from Zach or Curry but whoever does get the isolation there is no passingand no one else gets the ball. Except for maybe when Crawford has it but that is also too much 1 on 1 and Crawford needs to score he cant run the point. Weneed a point guard out there and for now the only one that can do it is Marbury. But if we miss the playoffs, we gotta cut ties.

More coming later but i gotta run right now.
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