OFFICIAL NFL Discussion Thread: 2015-16 Season - Congrats to the Denver Broncos and their fans! SB 5

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It was parcells:

“Don’t get me started on these quarterbacks,” he told Eisen. “They get lauded in the draft — you guys do it on NFL Network, you build it up, you build it up. And pretty soon they go ‘I’m gonna be a high pick, I’m pretty important.’ And then the next thing is the apparel companies and the power drink companies and Subway sandwiches — they don’t want to miss the next Peyton Manning, so they reinforce that importance of the player by going after him and giving him these endorsements, and then he really thinks he’s important. And then the agent comes along and he says we’ve got to build our brand. That’s one step from the bus station.”

So what is to be done? What’s the solution?

“Why don’t you take a look at Andrew Luck. You don’t see him doing any of that stuff, do you?” Parcells said, in full sports-radio-caller dudgeon. “Because somebody told him, his father, that’s what we’re doing. But I’m just telling you, it happens. I can list them. There’s five, six in the last three or four years. They’re high picks, they’re lauded, they’re paid money, they give up draft choices for them, the apparel companies want them, the power drink companies want them, and they forget they’ve got to play. They’re too busy building their brand. They’ve got to play.

When is the Miami game coming out of halftime???

Hasn't be a Dolphin touchdown in like three minutes
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