OFFICIAL NFL Playoff THREAD 2023- 2024 Vol: Win or Go Home.

i still don't get how they fell in love with Bryce SO QUICK. like if they went through the process and ultimately landed on Bryce, whatever. but if i recall, it seemed like they were immediately on Bryce from the start
My **** usually on mute or really low volume. I must've missed it.

He's gonna shatter that (obviously).
What's the record for passing yards in a playoff game?

Edit: Then I read your post wrong. Gotta be on pace for setting the passing yards record in a playoff debut.
Russ has the record with 385, he's 133 yards away
It's hilarious that Tepper forced his team to draft Bryce despite the head coach wanting Stroud and now he has to watch this dude ball out in the playoffs

i still don't get how they fell in love with Bryce SO QUICK. like if they went through the process and ultimately landed on Bryce, whatever. but if i recall, it seemed like they were immediately on Bryce from the start

My opinion is they saw Bryce has great elusiveness and is probably a better overall athlete than CJ but obviously not a better QB. Anyone that watched them play in college could tell CJ had a way better arm than Bryce. Bryce was not a dude that was going to beat you with his arm only
Before this season started, who would think the Texans would be one of the funnest teams to watch in the playoffs
What could've been 24-21, ends up as 31-14. That's the biggest play in the game we're going to see. He was feeling himself so much and then....
Things can change in this sport so fast. Don’t think anyone thought Houston would be back in the playoffs competing like this so soon after the Watson move
Yeah he's doing this without unlicensed massages, that's usually what it takes, we learned from Matt Schaub.
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