Yeah idk who was calling the shots between him in mayock when it came to the draft but they made some terrible picks.

They (presumably Mayock) also made some great ones.

There were always a lot of theories out there about the power structure in that FO particularly surrounding the draft process.

I pretty much believe the one that suggest Gruden had outsized influence in marquee round 1 picks, and Mayock was left responsible for later rounds.

Whoever was responsible, a lot of that work in the first round was criminal.

Keyshawn was slow af
Rick Mirer w/ 41tds & 62ints is crazy
The punter was carving them up

Still don’t know how Keyshawn went #1 in the GOAT WR draft and especially with some of the players who went after him.

This game is how the Patriots ended up with Tom Brady

We on the same level as the Rams?

Boy this the stupidest **** I’ve ever heard
If teams don’t want two-high safeties, RUN THE BALL
Mel shouldn’t be on tv with takes like this :smh:

This... Also Manning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers etc all faced two high safeties. Football is similar to chess.. the more offenses evolve, the more defenses evolve. We've reached a point where defenses have caught up to offenses again and now watch they create some rules to handicap defenses to give the offenses an advantage like they always do.
I'm intrigued by this Vikes, Texans game this week. Win or lose, it should tell me how my expectations should go for the rest of the year for the Vikes.

Boy this the stupidest **** I’ve ever heard
If teams don’t want two-high safeties, RUN THE BALL
Mel shouldn’t be on tv with takes like this :smh:

I know this is just one of those hot take, debate shows but this is an all-time bad take, even for these guys. Mel brings up the fact that teams in the '70s took more deep shots but the reason they were able to do this is because those teams were more committed to running the ball. Offenses dictated how the game was played, forcing defenses to commit more defenders to stop the run and making defenses play with one high safety. This is what enabled the one-on-one matchups outside. The NFL didn't legislate how defense was played, the offenses dictated it.

Teams should just run the ball against light boxes instead of complaining that passing the ball is too hard.
QBs getting paid alllllll that money and can’t beat the vaunted 2-high safety look?? :rofl: :lol:

It shouldn't be on the quarterback to beat the two high safety look, the quarterback should check into it the offensive coordinator should just call or run play against a light box. Continuing to throw the ball against 2 high safety is the equivalent to continually running into 8 man boxes. It's just inefficient.
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