Official Nike Air Max Penny 1 Updated - 2022 Retro Coming!

Welp lol
Looks like I’ll use $170 elsewhere like on a stock or something.. I’d take my L gracefully if there was a bunch of folks in here with Ws but it looks like these all went to profiteers
I don't know if this will help anyone or not, but no one in my Sneaker Groups hit the Pennys (besides me, the only one that actually care for them). Literally all Ls for a large number of people who would be the reseller/profiters if they hit.

This is just a situation with really limited stock, and like I said earlier, a repeat of the Ken Griffey White Freshwater drop. If any of you tried for those, you can totally connect the two drops.
Dont know why they made the social status pairs to begin with... I don't mess with them but others do... I guess to each their own
Yep after the Griffey drop last year Im no longer surprised with how things are and will be.

Any chance these Penny’s get random restocks or is that a wrap?
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