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IDK, figure it out. Looks like Geno Smith, LOL!
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His jeans are not tucked behind the tounge, must be fake


But seriously, we couldve had a better view if he did
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you cats will find anything to claim a fake pair lmao. You can't even see the suede in those blurry *** pics.
The pic I referred to had a clear view of the suede on the inside of the left shoe. We still need better pics, and if you read what I said, you would have known that I said it could just be the lighting that is making the suede look lighter than it should. 
Looks like I might have spoken too soon lulz
My boy swears those are Jay-Z's (former?) seats- dude is dorky enough to know that kind of crap so I wouldn't doubt he's right.
swear I've never seen anybody not make the yeezys look stupid other then kanye himself. s**t depresses me that I don't have a pair of 2s
Looks like I might have spoken too soon lulz
My boy swears those are Jay-Z's (former?) seats- dude is dorky enough to know that kind of crap so I wouldn't doubt he's right.

Those aren't jay-z seats. Jay sits in the second row. Atleast everytime I saw him alone he was there. Man could sit where ever he wanted too
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He's a manager or a higher up at nike seen him around for a minute, his name is Damien I think. If you know about Nike Football Society he's in with the people that know.
oh ok, looked slightly different than Bronson anyway lol.
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