Official Nike Breast Cancer Thread - Volume It deserves its own Thread

It was me who said he was getting a size 12 & it looks like it came through for me!!!! Got confirmation today that they are on the way! I was telling afriend of mine that I wanted these & he called in to a friend who told him to call Nike special orders, so he did & guess what they had one left &they were a size 12!!!! I guess I shoul dhave him play loto for me as well! BUT I am selling these for retail as soon as he gives them to me to Manglor b/c Iam getting out of the game for real this time! :smile: & this guy really deserves them!
good lookin out sir,
I have been trying to help out manglor with that 12, but have been striking out all over,
KUDOS to you for that sir!

Manglor, congrats.
bmoore34-i commend you bro. i know how hard vince has been tryin for manglor. i'm not too far behind you as far as retiring this hobby. the only thing leftof me is chasing d fish's pe's til he retires. i think i'm done w/ the gr's, tier 0's, and other limited stuff. it was fun while it lastedthough. if there's a shoe that i really like, i'll try and pick them up when ev's...but if i have to do homework or try and connect for something,i'll leave it to the rest that's still down for the madness. CONGRATS TO MANGLOR...i too am glad you found a 12 via bmoore34.
Bmoore34 is truly a stand up dude.

I offered him several times retail and he flat out refused, saying how if he could hook me up it would be at cost since the shoes were made for a cause thathas had a really big impact on us both. Whether or not his connect works out isn't as important as the fact he's tried so hard, that means everything.I'll be sure to take pics if i get these of me wearing them in game with someone very special to me in the crowd.

Several other great people here tried to help me(Vince especially)but nike made it pretty hopeless with the size runs that released. If a normal size rundropped i'm sure he would have hooked me up. Still the effort is really appreciated.
Finally got what I wanted (both for retail)
damn.. i'm still in need of a 12 as well, but i don't mind losing out to octavio.

oh, and i believe lisa leslie wears a men's size 11. my boy has an h2k5 pe of hers.
I am really hoping it works out cause these would mean a lot to me and her.

Man 255, i would LOVE to rock some WNBA pe's! Any idea who might wear something that equals a mens 12 or 12.5?
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