Well in that case, it sounds like the Kobes might be holding up for you then and your weight isn't that disproportional to your height. I'd stick with your Kobes although if you want the ultimate shock absorption, nothing beats the visible full-length Zoom IMO. And I own both and the X is actually one of the lighter Lebron shoes in his line, its not a brick like say the IV, V, VII, VIII. Hope this helps a little.

I know I'm late uploading this. But I'm so busy with work. Can't keep up with this forum as much anymore.

And yes I did dye those eggs myself lol. Follow me on IG @heartbeatsneaks

Haha great pic man and good work on going all out with the eggs too :tongue:
Love the CW's this year for the kobes.

I have every CW this year except pythons.

and the purple gradients are just icing on the cake!
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