I'm looking at Kobe's on ebay and I have a question. Are the sellers from Taiwan selling authentic shoes? Or should I stick to US sellers? 
I'm looking at Kobe's on ebay and I have a question. Are the sellers from Taiwan selling authentic shoes? Or should I stick to US sellers? 

kobes are sold in countries outside of the US.
seller feedback / product pictures matter the most.
Never noticed this before, but Kobe ASG sports pack is up on FTL. No sizes are available though. Sign of something to come for tomorrow? KEYWORD SEARCH#sku=83110800&size=12.0


A sign of something tomorrow would have a countdown timer in most cases.

What you see is probably what was up yesterday. A random size which was probably a returned order. Happens all of the time.

bryant second in sales with 50 mil, and lebron number 1 with 300 million...

jordan.....2 billion.
It is such as huge difference, 300 million to 50 million. 

But now that I thought about it, it makes more sense.  LeBron's shoes are more expensive than Kobe's, and in addition to his main shoe, LeBron also has his lowtops and the zoom Soldier series that both sell decently.  Add that to the fact that his shoes at $180 cost more than Kobe's at $140, and I could definitely see LeBron selling more than Kobe.  

Now, did I see him selling 6X more in revenue?  Hell no.  But I guess that's what happens when you get a bunch of bandwagon fans joining you.
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Man nike just have a big restock tomorrow with the bhm so I can cop and you can get your $130(after materials and shipping cost ) and we both can be happy.
Yeah I for one would take those OCs over BHM, Sulfers and those VBs. If I owned any of them that is. Just don't like them. BHM look like a cheap bootleg to me. VBs are just ugly as all hell. As for sulfers, I don't understand the hype. I mean they are ok I guess. Would only get sulfers on super sale. Now those OCs that aren't real are beautiful. Damn you Nike, just make those and call it a day. Thanks!
LeBron is Nike's centerpiece right now. Kobe isn't as bankable for Nike, as he's on the tail end of his career, while LeBron is at his peak (4 MVPs in 5 years). Also, the Kobe 7 sold very poorly, so Nike adjusted for that poor demand by not producing as many Kobe 8's (while the Lebron 8 and 9 sold very well, so plenty of the X were produced).

According to matt powell this is not true about the production #'s. He said that they 7's and 8's were produced in the same quantity.
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im shocked that lebron sold 6x as much as kobes.......they retail for more but i would think that means less ppl buy them. well i guess he had a headstart as well since kobes came out later and much slower in CWs


Have you not seen all of the Miami Heat "fans" since he joined? :lol:
Lebron shoes and apparel cost more than the other 2 sigs plus he has 2 more us models then them too but Matt Powell didn't mention that. Congrats to lebron even though he or anyone wont top mj for a while.
Don't be surprise by melo sales his shoes are a top seller at the outlets + he's in ny.
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It is such as huge difference, 300 million to 50 million. 

But now that I thought about it, it makes more sense.  LeBron's shoes are more expensive than Kobe's, and in addition to his main shoe, LeBron also has his lowtops and the zoom Soldier series that both sell decently.  Add that to the fact that his shoes at $180 cost more than Kobe's at $140, and I could definitely see LeBron selling more than Kobe.  

Now, did I see him selling 6X more in revenue?  Hell no.  But I guess that's what happens when you get a bunch of bandwagon fans joining you.

What does bandwagon fans have to do with it? A lot of people are buying LeBrons because they like the way they look.
Just for clarity, Homes aren't releasing at Footlocker this weekend? Just the Venice Beach colorway?

Do we have any info on the home cw?
According to matt powell this is not true about the production #'s. He said that they 7's and 8's were produced in the same quantity.

Thanks for correcting me, my bad, just thought it made sense

I completely think Powell is lying about the same quantity as 7s crap. a lot less stores over here got kobes and its almost common knowledge on this board that stores are getting less than they got last year. We haven't even had a clearance colorway yet vs this time last year.
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