My girl says her area72s feel good. I'm sure she will be fine. GS shoes generally don't have the same construct as men's sizes. She should be used to it.
you read that too quick bro theyre not for his girl. the shoes are for himself, he wears GS sizes

either way he should be used to it like you said 
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In the Kobe 9 thread JM stated we probably won't see the 9 until 2014. Wonder if Nike will make another Xmas Kobe 8......
I don't understand why they can't do the same to the GS sizes. It's like a rip-off. Paying for the name without the promised performance.
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In the Kobe 9 thread JM stated we probably won't see the 9 until 2014. Wonder if Nike will make another Xmas Kobe 8......

I asked that in the 9 thread but with no response yet from jm. Christmas has always been the return date for Kobe after it was announced he would be out between 6-9 months. I would definitely not mind another Christmas 8 even though the first are ugly to me I love the concept. Also wouldn't mind Kobe 8s running until January.
if they do get pushed back it'll be cuz nikes trying to spread the 3 signature lines so that anyone whos trying to cop all 3 can be able to... KD 6s were released earlier then usual if im not mistaken
I don't have the GC but I don't see why it would it's like any rubber outsole. Probably slightly better than non-xdr. Unless someone has the GC says otherwise, I think not.
well because the traction patter is not raised...its smoothed out.

I feel like the US set up would work better, but then again herringbone is herringbone. 

Just wondering thats all.
In the Kobe 9 thread JM stated we probably won't see the 9 until 2014. Wonder if Nike will make another Xmas Kobe 8......
that would be super interesting....highly debatble that they would do that since he would be the only athlete without his more recent sig for a christmas game, wonder how he would feel about that. 
B Grades? where'd you find them at

Maybe B-grades?....if ya look at the Shozukoo logo on the back heel....look how WIDE the lines of the shozukoo are above the heel cup?...dont they look really wide? maybe thats why B-grades? idk?..just guessn? lol..
he stated GS no?

Im really suprised insoles have not made a comeback with the long release schedule still ahead.
Wow ppl don't read the comment I said huh? I said I got my girl her pair, thats a GS size, no b grade
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whats lady mamba's size? she got the easters too, maybe a custom size for her?
she gets any kobe she wants just cuz she has em doesnt mean they were or will be released in GS sizes... Easters are a good example lol vipers were confirmed by Nike to release in GS sizes though
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