Lol, I have to agree to a point. I suppose some folks handle things differently but I know when it comes to me, you are more than welcome to call every shoe I own the worse/most ugly shoes you have ever seen. As I didnt buy them for you or anyone else. I bought them because *I* like them and that is all I care about. I dont buy any shoe to impress YOU and by you, I mean any creature on this planet who is alive.
Thats the way it should be man. Right on.
Anyone know what colorway these socks were intended for? These popped up at my local Champs.
Your right. I apologize and should not have went at him like that. I'm just at a point of frustration with some of the stuff on here. Same reason I left before, something with the point about economics, whether members want to believe it or not it is something I have studied extensively as it is a major part of my area of studies and something I do have a lot of knowledge about. Cool, if you guys dont understand it but its very real and I tried my best to explain things to help people understand some of the reasons prices increase but like always on NT, people who dont understand have a comeback. Its a tiring environment to be in when it could be much more constructive and positive instead of people constantly bickering and going at each other.

Again, I'm man enough to admit I let my frustrations get the best of me with that post and have no problem deleting.
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If you think inflation caused Nike to raise their prices on this year's lines (ie., Kobe went from 140 to >200) then do you fam. Regardless, I hope you're able to grab whatever shoe you like and are going after. I'm going to leave our conversation right here and move on with the thread.

Anyone been able to track down the white/black or black/white TB pairs? Guy posted a couple pages ago he was able to get them from Nike. Maybe I just missed their release but haven't found anything online.
Anyone know what colorway these socks were intended for? These popped up at my local Champs.
it's not very well done imo, but it's intended for this:

color description for both shoe and sock is green glow/laser orange
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Exactly, this is why I never want to do business with them.

I would not be surprised at all if the people who pre-ordered the SS at $200 magically get their ordered cancelled.

I wish I could guarantee myself a pair of SS like you already have, but I have other issues to worry about.  Like what happened to the Jordans that were delivered to my doorstep on Tuesday that I still don't have... :{  

Don't think for a second that guaranteed SS pair I have came easy. Took quite a long while to find someone willing to help me out and $4,000+ in retail purchases to even establish what I currently have. And even then its just a glorified general release connection as limiteds for the most part they don't get.

Your right. I apologize and should not have went at him like that. I'm just at a point of frustration with some of the stuff on here. Same reason I left before, something with the point about economics, whether members want to believe it or not it is something I have studied extensively as it is a major part of my area of studies and something I do have a lot of knowledge about. Cool, if you guys dont understand it but its very real and I tried my best to explain things to help people understand some of the reasons prices increase but like always on NT, people who dont understand have a comeback. Its a tiring environment to be in when it could be much more constructive and positive instead of people constantly bickering and going at each other.

Again, I'm man enough to admit I let my frustrations get the best of me with that post and have no problem deleting.

You sound a bit like me in that you get irritated and frustrated if people don't open their mind to the possibility that they could be wrong. When they don't even attempt to see your point of view and just dismiss what you have to say, it baffles you because doing so isn't logical and kills the opportunity to learn. That upsets you because being misunderstood and having people not listen is beyond frustrating.

Your problem and it took me a long time to learn this is you care and expect too much from people. Some people are so set in their ways or simply refuse to listen to others that it is hopeless. Stop caring or trying to educate or even trying to have an open discussion with people that fit that description. It is a waste of time/energy and a waste of effort. Just nod and move along, you will have much less stress and an overall happier life.
I got two pairs of those socks for the sulfurs and the pp. They dont match that great but better match than those green glow pits.
Your problem and it took me a long time to learn this is you care and expect too much from people. Some people are so set in their ways or simply refuse to listen to others that it is hopeless. Stop caring or trying to educate or even trying to have an open discussion with people that fit that description. It is a waste of time/energy and a waste of effort. Just nod and move along, you will have much less stress and an overall happier life.

You are correct sir, and its something I have known a long time but I guess Im a glutton for punishment. Its just that the attitude of being unopenminded keeps a lot of folks on here from wanting to share for fear that the second they say something it going to turn into an argument. Doesn't have to be that way. Could be such a positive environment with as many members are on here.
cant believe people really like the venomenons.
Venomenons are nice man. I like the one the came out today, I dont know if I would cop. I am waiting for a couple other colorways that are supposed to drop though. Ill be up at 5 am for those.
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