What this guy just told me 

"For What the Kobe I ask on ebay 500 euros+shipping. Around 700$+shipping...same of here. For 600+shipping we have deal."

He's from a foreign country btw 
Saw a pair of size 11 on the bay for $990 with I think 40 bids and a day left. Made me think about putting mine up lol. Not really tho I love em
Why does it have to be assumed that you can't get your pair just because it's people who don't want to wear the shoes?

Resellers, hype beasts, whatever people want to blame now have the same ways to get shoes we do. Some people have connects some have bots or whatever method they have to obtain the shoes. I hate it but at the same time those cats are putting in more work to get their pairs than the people who "really want them" as you say so we can't knock that...

I'm on your side trust me, but if you really want a certain pair then you have to put in extra work or suck it up and move on. That's how it is in 2013 unfortunately.
Resellers put in more work?. I drove around for hours collecting raffle tickets, asking friends for favors, waking up early and opening like 5 browsers and still nothing. You saying I didn't put in work? I've been doing the same for basically all the shoes I've wanted and nothing. Resellers have bots and hookups.. I doubt they're "putting in more work". I'm starting to think that the only way to beat them is to join them.
There is a easy answer and solution for anyone who loves shoes and wants them without hassle and the secret is... EARN MORE. Stop focusing on this or that shoe and just get your damn money up. Then if you can't get it at retail, pay the resell price. Problem solved. I guarantee that more time and effort is spent by most trying to hunt down shoes than getting paid. Once you reach a point financially resell doesn't hurt there's nothing you can't get. Real talk.
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Resellers put in more work?. I drove around for hours collecting raffle tickets, asking friends for favors, waking up early and opening like 5 browsers and still nothing. You saying I didn't put in work? I've been doing the same for basically all the shoes I've wanted and nothing. Resellers have bots and hookups.. I doubt they're "putting in more work". I'm starting to think that the only way to beat them is to join them.

BOLD PRINT. Get your own bot and try their methods. Resellers aren't the only people using bots dude. It sounds like in all that time driving around town etc you could just sit there and adapt to the times. That's what I mean by "working harder". I guess I should I said "working smarter".

There is a easy answer and solution for anyone who loves shoes and wants them without hassle and the secret is... EARN MORE. Stop focusing on this or that shoe and just get your damn money up. Then if you can't get it at retail, pay the resell price. Problem solved. I guarantee that more time and effort is spent by most trying to hunt down shoes than getting paid. Once you reach a point financially resell doesn't hurt there's nothing you can't get. Real talk.

Now this. This right here is one of the silliest things I've ever heard. I can pay over $100 retail if I want to. It's not the financial point for a lot of people, it's the principal of the damn thing man.

:lol: at this logic for real
There is a easy answer and solution for anyone who loves shoes and wants them without hassle and the secret is... EARN MORE. Stop focusing on this or that shoe and just get your damn money up. Then if you can't get it at retail, pay the resell price. Problem solved. I guarantee that more time and effort is spent by most trying to hunt down shoes than getting paid. Once you reach a point financially resell doesn't hurt there's nothing you can't get. Real talk.
Umm I think thats the solution for anything. Clearly I would love to earn more.. sneakers or no sneakers. I work hard and am constantly trying to climb the ladder to success. Thanks for your words of wisdom though.. next time I really want something I'll just think back to the " Just earn more money " concept.
BOLD PRINT. Get your own bot and try their methods. Resellers aren't the only people using bots dude. It sounds like in all that time driving around town etc you could just sit there and adapt to the times. That's what I mean by "working harder". I guess I should I said "working smarter".
Now this. This right here is one of the silliest things I've ever heard. I can pay over $100 retail if I want to. It's not the financial point for a lot of people, it's the principal of the damn thing man.

:lol: at this logic for real

I agree lol. Yes you should always strive to earn more money but the.reason shouldn't be to buy more shoes
BOLD PRINT. Get your own bot and try their methods. Resellers aren't the only people using bots dude. It sounds like in all that time driving around town etc you could just sit there and adapt to the times. That's what I mean by "working harder". I guess I should I said "working smarter".
Well I guess I always thought of using bots as a sort of "cheating". And that's just never been my approach to anything in life so naturally I stayed away. But I guess you're right, in this case maybe it's not cheating.. Maybe it's just what's necessary now in order to get a shoe that you want. Even if you aren't trying to resell.
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Santa dropped off my kobe 8 collection!!
Well I guess I always thought of using bots as a sort of "cheating". And that's just never been my approach to anything in life so naturally I stayed away. But I guess you're right, in this case maybe it's not cheating.. Maybe it's just what's necessary now in order to get a shoe that you want. Even if you aren't trying to resell.

Yeah man. Just part of the times. It's not cheating it's more of an advantage. We gotta do whatever it takes to get the kicks.

I've only used a bot to get corks and when they script became unusable I gave up. I've been using old tried and true methods and if they don't work I don't sweat it like I used to at all.
Silly why? If your worried about principle then you really don't want the shoes. If you were a billionaire would principle still matter? In other words there's comes a point financially where your comfortable enough to buy everything. Nothing is worth what you pay for it dollar wise. Everything is cheaper to make that what it cost. You could use principle on any and everything. To the other guy, I don't know your situation but there's always a way to just earn more. If you can't figure out a way or are content with "just climbing the ladder" that's on you. People use more excuses for why they can't do something than why they can. Your holding yourself back with that attitude. IMO.
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