2 for 2 on crap A5S colorways with weak patterns. someone really needs to kill the whole one peice upper concept. its singing to the choir @ this point but its highly irritating.

keep it up nike.
Ah the hate for the Xmas shoe begins, but wait till Kobe wears them and instantly causes hundreds of people to change their mind. Am definitely ready for these VIII's to drop regardless if they are or aren't the Xmas pair, but given the look of the KD Christmas shoes these should be them.
Ah the hate for the Xmas shoe begins, but wait till Kobe wears them and instantly causes hundreds of people to change their mind. Am definitely ready for these VIII's to drop regardless if they are or aren't the Xmas pair, but given the look of the KD Christmas shoes these should be them.

hopefully he doesn't lose again this year
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>D Man...they're doing way too much with that colorway. The scales are enough, but the random *** mix of pastel colors they're using is overkill and just way over the top. I thought the Cheetahs were too much, but those look subdued compared to these :lol: I don't get what Nike was thinking with the Xmas shoes this year for KD and Kobe.
I hope they come out with something like the Grinch color way for Christmas. Dope! I need them still 
i like everyone cant judge too much

looks like those glass windows from church lol i hope they have a reflective look to the scales...something like the cloaks
Well the KD is supposed to be like a loud funky x-mas sweater, so I think these may or may not be done in the same guise.
I really hate the trend of making things so ugly that it's "stylish." That BS is for Lil' Wayne. If you actually think the design and colorway is nice-looking that's perfectly acceptable, even if you might be in the minority. If you like it because it's ugly and therefore different, you're a bastard. /rant
How do people like the WTKs and then hate on this CW? I'll probably catch heat for this comment but whatever it just boggled my mind so much I had to type it out of me...
Man those shoes look like pieces of Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable's Coogi sweater.
You hit it right on the money!!!...
The upper color blocking is not good... I do like the midsole, speckle job and volt trans soles.
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