The Nike Factory Store in Burlington, WA has this jacket for $60 after 50% off

(360) 757-4431
that's a solid deal.. they do phone orders.. I just tried picking up one but went to check the one I had already and it's the same one.. this is a great all around jacket.. 
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when's ndc adding these new pieces? 

and i think the cropped pants would've been better as 3/4 pants.
Damn, that gold logo is nice. But dammit, i already have 3 pairs of the regular black ones. Can i really cop these because the gold logo is sexy?

Must resist
around $50 I will.. 
All right, thanks for the help man. Do you think they're worth it though? With the clearance promo code going right now on NDC, they are about $88 shipped/tax. I'm still hesistant about the price.
Tough to say, I bought two but that's cause it was cheap...I can't get myself to pay more than 40 bucks for Tech Fleece especially when Oregon Equipment sells TF for 5-15 bucks in the off season. 

It is a nice hoodie but probably not for 90 bucks. 
damn, i thought i knew TF pants but why have i never seen the Gorge Green Heather pair? Did that just release?

I wish i didn't see what END had
yup, End has a whole bunch of new stuff. realistically I could have waited for a deal on those pants, but we've talked about wanting something like that a few times in the past, so when I saw it I jumped on them :lol:
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