Don't know if y'all know but Tour Yellows are up on NDC in some hard to get sizes (I saw an 11.5, 12, and 13 last time I checked about an hour ago). Not discounted but then again, $95 ain't too shabby.

Yea man, picked up a spare Tour Yellow. I tried for the Orange last night but was not sucessful.
KD shimmy lol
Credit to the *USA Basketball* Thread fot the GIF
the **** Chandler trying to slap KD *** for?

I'm not hating on you or other mods man, I was just asking for consistency, but what you said makes sense so I apologize for not understanding at first.


I feel you on that. And Chandler got extra into it, too haha.

Glad to hear some of y'all were able to cop off NDC. I think I said it earlier in this thread but I really really wish I could have felt comfortable in these KDs. Too narrow, even with a half size up. Plus I have to use these custom orthotics cause my feet and arch are so messed up, so it just wasn't happening for me. With all the sick CWs and even some of the dope iDs I've seen, I wish it coulda worked out. But as the cliche goes "It aint you KDs, it's me" haha.
Mine will be here Thursday and my Dunkmans! Gonna chill on the Fireberrys this weekend, gonna cop them with the Gold Medals on the 18th. 
So my USA KD's are shipped and in route, but today i checked my bank account and the charge for the shoes is gone and the money is refunded back into my account. Has anyone experienced this with NDC?
Well a bunch of us got free pairs of the Rogues from NDC.
what does everyone who has worn the KDS think of the quality?

I think the Durants are pretty good quality. Definitely fits with it's price point. The colorways have been pretty sick. Too bad they don't fit my style of play for basketball. They're not very comfortable for me. I stick to Kobe's for balling.
I'm starting to regret not copping the USA's on kickscrew for 120 in an 8.5 the day before the st's came out.

They sold out fast. I wish I knew that they were gonna be a quickstrike before. Nike had me thinking it was a general release. By the time I found out it wasn't, it was too late. 
Just When I Was Beginning To Stomach The Fact I Missed Out On These USA's, I Got A Text From A Long Time Fellow NT Homie That He Was Able To Secure A Size 10 (.5 Smaller Than I Prefer For KD IV's) For Me :pimp: Also Swooped Up The Size 11 He Had For A Buddy Out This Way............ Both Pair Should Be Here By Friday!

Sometimes Patience Does Pay Off......... Or Should I Say Swallowing Defeat :D

*Now I Need To Lock Down A Pair Of The Team USA Elite Socks :nerd:
Heading to Munich on Friday this week. Will be in London on the following Thursday. Just ordered a bunch of heat to my buddy's apt in London. Retail feels good after last weekend! Any must see stores in London that could have some of those rarer KD's like WM or Nerfs? I know its a stretch....
There are some really cool people on nt, but its like finding a diamond in the rough. i was able to pick up another kd st and the usa in my sz for euro retail all thanks to one of the coolest dudes I have ever met on nt, I hope I can repay the favor in the future.
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There are some really cool people on nt, but its like finding a diamond in the ruff. I was able to pick up another kd st and the usa in my sz for euro retail all thanks to one of the coolest dudes I have ever met on nt, I hope I can repay the favor in the future.
Nice! Hopefully I find someone like that one day. I really need them in my size right now. I'm pretty desperate. But I refuse to pay the reseller tax. I wish I could find a connect like that.

Are you from here in houston? It sucks trying to cop kicks over here.. especially KD's. 
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