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ill range and dope NYC 10s! :pimp:

decided to updrade from the SG3 to this...

got a new tv...


had to break it open ASAP to watch the ravens kick ***... :nthat:
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I might try out a free 60 day BJ membership soon. I like their food :lol:.

For everyone that bought the 4's, did you order TTS? I ordered my regular size and hope it was the right choice.
[quote name="JordanJayyy7" url=""]
Did you get a discount on this??[/quote]
naw had to built to order from apple...wish I could. The only discounts or ones i could find on craiglist or ebay where stock ones....i need at least 16gb of ram.
dimez, that's a beast machine, bruh.

yank that disc drive out and put a terabyte in there, that's what i did (when you buy the kit they send you a usb enclosure for your disc drive for when you need to use it, which is rare these days, get much better use outta that space with more HD room, 512SSD is dope, but will get used up fast)...
dimez, that's a beast machine, bruh.
yank that disc drive out and put a terabyte in there, that's what i did (when you buy the kit they send you a usb enclosure for your disc drive for when you need to use it, which is rare these days, get much better use outta that space with more HD room, 512SSD is dope, but will get used up fast)...


I had that in my old unibody....it was a monster...i never used the optical drives.

I upgraded to the retina... so they have no disk drive just straight ssd. so space is limited....I couldnt bring myself to pay for the option up...that would have been to much

Kinda sucks but i'll just keep all my files on my imac and and carry an external for when I'm out with a back up.

Btw I recommend everyone to use an ssd, I made the jump last year and will never look back...trust. They have dropped a good bit in prices too and can be found for cheap.

the best set up is any ssd + any hardive with 7200 rpm. I have that in my iMac also. It will make you're machine super fast and add years to it. Ideal if you are into music/design.
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