Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I've learn to take an interest in my daughter's friends.   That way I can keep a close eye on her, too.

All of her friends are forever at the house doing sleepovers.  I never want to push her friends away from her but I also want her to chose her friends wisely.
My little 12yo cousin is always telling me about her friends, who she likes/doesn't like to hang with, what's going on with her friends' families, etc.

It's hilarious hearing the blunt honesty. I'm also very conflicted being the only one in the family who knows she has a "boyfriend." Even her parents don't know.

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Just stumbled up on this thread lol... I have a soon to be 7 year old son and a daughter who just turned 4.  Fatherhood is a trip man.  Only parents will be able to understand that it is the hardest most rewarding thing you will do. Days where I can't wait to come home from work, days where they both drive me crazy, days where sitting there and just watching them makes my day, times when I learn that I need to change and do things differently as a father, times when I feel like a great father, times when I feel like a terrible father, days when sitting on the couch and just hugging your kids while watching tv is what you do the whole day,....I could go on and on.  I wouldn't trade it in for the world.  Shoes and hoops are an afterthought nowadays, but it's great.  (I still grab a pair every so often, and the wife lets me re moisten the jumper at times but you know what I mean) haha.  
A lot of the parents know their daughters are fast but they ignore it. Thinking its their (daughter) fault for acting crazy. Especially when their young adolescents. Nah homie, that's your fault for not instilling game in their minds.
I know my girls will **** up and make bad decisions in life, it's prepping them for the "before" and especially the "after" from their mistakes that I try to get em ready for.
Just found out it's a girl, bout to cop the shotgun. Pistol grip, pump. Am I overreacting?

To my fellas with 2+ daughter, how do you disapline? I don't wanna be a hypercite and say "hey men not suppose to put hands on a woman." But I put my hands on her when she wyling.
Haven't read it since I only have a son, but I've heard this being highly recommended for those with daughers since their father is the single most influential person who will determine the outcome of their life.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughers
Fathers with daughters keep dropping advice. My baby girl is coming in June and I'm already sweating those teenage years. I met my girl when we were 14 we were only friends and I remember how she was, she had her punker stage and wasn't too wild but she said she gave her mom hell. I remember both my sisters teenage years and they were both nuts in their own ways.
Fathers with daughters keep dropping advice. My baby girl is coming in June and I'm already sweating those teenage years. I met my girl when we were 14 we were only friends and I remember how she was, she had her punker stage and wasn't too wild but she said she gave her mom hell. I remember both my sisters teenage years and they were both nuts in their own ways.
Man...I feel you.  I have a 4 year old daughter.  I met my wife when I was 18.  I'm a hs teacher and I see the scary side EVERY day.  I think loving your wife/girl is the best thing you can do.  You can talk and lace your daughter/son with game but actions speak louder than words bro.  Love your wife, love your in their lives.  They see everything.  Show her what a relationship is supposed to look like and be about.  You be involved in her life (play dolls, let her brush your hair, have a tea party lol) and you show her how a man is supposed to treat a lady than I think that is the best thing you can do.  It's scary bro...I'm still scared because I know there is going to be a day when a guy tries to pull some slick stuff...and I know there will be times when she will have to think for her own...let me stop though because I'm starting to scare myself again lol.  
Fathers with daughters keep dropping advice. My baby girl is coming in June and I'm already sweating those teenage years. I met my girl when we were 14 we were only friends and I remember how she was, she had her punker stage and wasn't too wild but she said she gave her mom hell. I remember both my sisters teenage years and they were both nuts in their own ways.
Man...I feel you.  I have a 4 year old daughter.  I met my wife when I was 18.  I'm a hs teacher and I see the scary side EVERY day.  I think loving your wife/girl is the best thing you can do.  You can talk and lace your daughter/son with game but actions speak louder than words bro.  Love your wife, love your in their lives.  They see everything.  Show her what a relationship is supposed to look like and be about.  You be involved in her life (play dolls, let her brush your hair, have a tea party lol) and you show her how a man is supposed to treat a lady than I think that is the best thing you can do.  It's scary bro...I'm still scared because I know there is going to be a day when a guy tries to pull some slick stuff...and I know there will be times when she will have to think for her own...let me stop though because I'm starting to scare myself again lol.  

Thanks man I'll definitely remember this. I know there's no perfect way, just the best we can do.
Fathers with daughters keep dropping advice. My baby girl is coming in June and I'm already sweating those teenage years. I met my girl when we were 14 we were only friends and I remember how she was, she had her punker stage and wasn't too wild but she said she gave her mom hell. I remember both my sisters teenage years and they were both nuts in their own ways.
Man...I feel you.  I have a 4 year old daughter.  I met my wife when I was 18.  I'm a hs teacher and I see the scary side EVERY day.  I think loving your wife/girl is the best thing you can do.  You can talk and lace your daughter/son with game but actions speak louder than words bro.  Love your wife, love your in their lives.  They see everything.  Show her what a relationship is supposed to look like and be about.  You be involved in her life (play dolls, let her brush your hair, have a tea party lol) and you show her how a man is supposed to treat a lady than I think that is the best thing you can do.  It's scary bro...I'm still scared because I know there is going to be a day when a guy tries to pull some slick stuff...and I know there will be times when she will have to think for her own...let me stop though because I'm starting to scare myself again lol.  
What about when that first real legit boyfriend that breaks your babygirl heart? And she truly hurt by it. My god. :smh:
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Daughters need strong fathers who can teach them correctly about game, life, etc. I personally noticed major differences in my ex's via their parental relationships.

- Those without father figures (e.g. broken homes, single parent home, divorced bitter parents, mom always painting the dad as the bad guy or vice versa) turned out to be super promiscuous -- daddy issues are very real and tough to break

- Those with strong parents (e.g. parents still married for 20+ years, strong families, always encouraging and loving, tough but fair) turned out to be great girls -- as I got older, I appreciated these types with low body counts, traditional household backgrounds, strong family ties, etc. -- "nuclear family" works

This is why I'm a big proponent of this topic. I really think a strong father (who's not a simp and is a true man) can really dictate the trajectory of how his kids turn out. It's a very fine line that's tough to navigate, but the key is you have to be there for your kids in their formative years.

It's great to see NT unite over this and regardless whether you have a son or daughter, the fact that you're openly sharing stories and spreading knowledge is a positive.
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What about when that first real legit boyfriend that breaks your babygirl heart? And she truly hurt by it. My god. :smh:

Maaaaaannnn I don't even want to think about that. That type of stuff petrifies me and gives me anxiety bro. It's so hard because there's so much we can't control and the stuff we can, can only do so much. Hopefully my older son will have eyes on her at school lol.
Daughters need strong fathers who can teach them correctly about game, life, etc. I personally noticed major differences in my ex's via their parental relationships.

- Those without father figures (e.g. broken homes, single parent home, divorced bitter parents, mom always painting the dad as the bad guy or vice versa) turned out to be super promiscuous -- daddy issues are very real and tough to break
- Those with strong parents (e.g. parents still married for 20+ years, strong families, always encouraging and loving, tough but fair) turned out to be great girls -- as I got older, I appreciated these types with low body counts, traditional household backgrounds, strong family ties, etc. -- "nuclear family" works

This is why I'm a big proponent of this topic. I really think a strong father (who's not a simp and is a true man) can really dictate the trajectory of how his kids turn out. It's a very fine line that's tough to navigate, but the key is you have to be there for your kids in their formative years.

It's great to see NT unite over this and regardless whether you have a son or daughter, the fact that you're openly sharing stories and spreading knowledge is a positive.

Yeap!!! I have a son and I try and put in just as much energy to make sure he turns out to be a great grown *** man lol
Just found out it's a girl, bout to cop the shotgun. Pistol grip, pump. Am I overreacting?

To my fellas with 2+ daughter, how do you disapline? I don't wanna be a hypercite and say "hey men not suppose to put hands on a woman." But I put my hands on her when she wyling.

Haven't read it since I only have a son, but I've heard this being highly recommended for those with daughers since their father is the single most influential person who will determine the outcome of their life.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughers

You always dropping jewels, appreciate man.
How did yall decide how many kids you're going to have? My daughter is turning 1 in less than two weeks and we decided we only wanted to have one more kid, but idk man if it's not a boy I might push for another :lol:
How did yall decide how many kids you're going to have? My daughter is turning 1 in less than two weeks and we decided we only wanted to have one more kid, but idk man if it's not a boy I might push for another :lol:

My pockets decided :lol: Kids are expensive and witnessing $200 go to daycare every week hurts my spirit. My wife is pushing adoption on me once we get more situated financially but idk.

As far as raising daughters, I think I might be too hard on my daughter. She tends to slack off and I know it's not because she doesn't know how to do the work but she gets lazy at times. I'm hard, and maybe too hard because she was born w/ 2 strikes against her, bein black in America and being a girl/woman. I know how tough it is and will be for her and I want to prepare her for it. Now I'm not tough on her all the time, but when it comes to using common sense and doing school work and extra work at home (school district sucks) then I'm goin hard.

She knows I love her and her mother, I teach her how a man is supposed to walk on the outside of the street, open doors, pull out chairs, etc. But I also teach her not to expect people to be raised the same way she was and have the knowledge of these things. It's tough man.
How did yall decide how many kids you're going to have? My daughter is turning 1 in less than two weeks and we decided we only wanted to have one more kid, but idk man if it's not a boy I might push for another
For us, one child was already so mentally and physically challenging that by the time we decided to have a second we were both 100% sure that was enough.  TBH, I would have been fine just having my son as an only child, but of course everyone (including my wife) said that he "needed a sibling" for various reasons.  Being a good parent is a tough job and there's only so much time in the day to dedicate to everything that needs to be done.  I feel two is manageable for us in many ways, but a good example would be when they are in school and have separate commitments (sports, etc) each of us can be with one and nobody gets left out.  I can understand the appeal of having a big family, but logistically it doesn't make sense for us.  There's also the reality of additional financial commitments that come along with having more kids, but I honestly did not let that be a primary reason for our decision.
I want to have maybe like 3 kids, but with the way things cost nowadays, we may can only afford 2 kids.

but if the 2nd one is another girl.... you know i'm try for that boy... LOL!!!
yea for us, so far we have decided 2 is max. we are going to try and wait until the first one is out of daycare. 

would love for the second one to be a healthy boy. 

meanwhile my lady is panicking reading reviews on the internet about daycare centers and not finding one to her standard. She is finally starting to see the 5 star rating dont mean crap. 
I want(ed) 6 kids. My wife already had a son when we got married and we now have 3 and the main reason I'm hesitant on having more is that each pregnancy was kinda hard on her. Daughter was always grinding on my wife pelvis making it hard for her to walk and now this baby had both miscarriage scare and gestational diabetes scare so I don't think I can put her through another one.

Other than that, money
Pray for me bruhs.

My son gets some form of therapy (due to his mild autism) where they come out to your house for sessions & I was just introduced to his new therapist...

Shorty's B-A-D 

His last therapist was a cutie too but I held my composure around her due to me not wanting to cross any boundaries. 

This one, though 

She's in the other room with him right now & I'm over here pretending I'm cooking playing PND 
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