Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

my wife and i trained our son by forcing him to poop in the morning and evening (just lightly push their legs up to the side of their head). that helped from birth til now (about 5 months now) since we were worried at times when he didnt poop at all for the whole day

We've been giving her kolik gripe water recently for her upset stomach. But she usually sharts and poops at all times of the day.

Ill try that technique the next time shes fussy and wont sleep. Usually happens when she cant take a ****
part 2

The school uses an app called ClassDojo to communicate w/ parents and there was a message regarding homework and how it worked and there was a a form that needed to be signed

Unfortunately we forgot to fill it out...all other kids had it singed by a parent the following day and the teacher gave the kids a piece of two of candy for bringing it in so everyone but my kid got one

When my wife picked her up from after school care it was the first thing she told her

At night when I put her in bed she wanted to talk and she told me about it as well

On top of that, the folder that had the form that need to be filled out was not in her was left at school


some new kindergarten pics to follow later

Damn man my girl would be heated if that happened to our daughter. That’s some bs by the teacher about the bus deal. She has to have a sheet at least of which kids go where, can’t be that lazy. The candy thing wasn’t even your kids fault that’s some more bs man.
i'm not sure if it's a weekly thing that needs to be done...i read the message regarding it on ClassDojo the other day but I just can't remember the details that well

hopefully, she gets candy after we sign when it's brought back home next week...if my kid never gets the candy even after we sign it and she returns the folder to school i'll be extra rubbed the wrong way

thanks for having my back on petty bs:smile:
Woke up in my toddlers lower bunk about an hour ago and not quite tired enough to go back to sleep...


Beach a couple of weeks ago
My son’s soccer team won their World Cup tourney today..And he scored his first goal of the season..Couldn’t be more proud of the effort he puts into soccer while also getting straight A’s and joining band at school..In 5th grade and he’s really learning to deal with a lot of responsibility and managing his time wisely..
My friend used to tell me that he hated it when his kids would take a **** and it would go up their backs, and I didn't believe that could ever happen.

...Until it happened to us :rofl:Luckily my wife and I decided to head home from the mall instead of going somewhere else. As soon as we get home, I put my daughter onto her Snuggle me organic and she rips a wet fart. We check and it went right through her onesie and stained. So now Im doing laundry :rofl:

Let me leave this here for all the new dads the shoulder things on the onsies are there so you can take the onsies down instead of lifting the whole thing over their heads if they have a poop accident :lol:
2015 Honda Pilot and 2011 Honda CRV

got the Pilot end of last year and sold out Civic...need third row seating with having a third earlier this year
I drive a lowered 4dr civic. I thought my daughter would hate the way it rides cuz Im on coils but it puts her to sleep, quite fast too :wow:

My wife hates it though :rofl:
we had a big pool party yesterday at the school for all the kindergarteners and the families. i spent most of the time in the pool with my son and my wife did the socializing :lol: i’m really not good at small talk with strangers and not interested in networking. thank goodness my wife is good at it.
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