Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

^ Ha, ha... My wife, son, & I were just having this conversation. Our boy is going into 6th grade next year so if he demonstrates that he's more responsible, we're going to get him an iPhone for the start of middle school. It's kinda more for us to be able to communicate with him & make sure we know where he is.
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Middle school basic phone for texts and calls. Freshman year of high school was the first smart phone even though it got taken away for the majority of the year. LOL
Older 2 keep having convos bout this friend has this, this friend has that. I was with it to get my 13 yr old one but wifey suggested another yr. difference between needs and wants I guess
My daughter is 12 turning 13 in April, i think she has had it for 2 years now. I got her the phone when she first started walking to school. She got a little crazy texting her friends so we took it away for a couple months... i told my son he gotta wait til he is at least 10
I can see both sides but Def need them to be more independent. And that means getting them a celly.
Never know when an emergency is gonna come up..I'll get my son one when he's a lot other..he's only 18mo now :lol: things might be different in 10 years
If I had a baby girl the first thing I'd do with the cell phone id give her is destroy the cameras. Real talk Idc Idc idc
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Have a boy turning 13 next June. Going to get him a phone. Seems about the right age and wit him goin into middle school, independence comes a long so need to b able reach him and track him lol..
Why is it so hard to pick a name?
My mind was set that I would name my first son Xavier, but I am having a hard time deciding on a name for my second son. :\
All these weird new names. :smh:
Why is it so hard to pick a name?
My mind was set that I would name my first son Xavier, but I am having a hard time deciding on a name for my second son.

All these weird new names.

not srs.  whatever you pick make sure it flows with your other son's name.  I'm sure you don't want to yell out Brian and Daquantavious when its time for them to come down for dinner.
Jayden Aiden

not srs.  whatever you pick make sure it flows with your other son's name.  I'm sure you don't want to yell out Brian and Daquantavious when its time for them to come down for dinner.

But seriously I feel you on that man. You want something not as common, but still nothing too over the top that HR skips over him in the future....and so he doesn't get picked on in school.

We ended up going with Caleb, just because, to us, you don't see THAT many Calebs around here, lol. I initially wanted to go with Jacob but the wife didn't really like it all that much.
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Good stuff fellas...

Tonight I had a semi convo with my eldest (girl 12yrs) about boys. This **** don't come with guidelines yo. She confessed that a boy gave her a side hug in regards to a truth and dare game. As much as I wanted to instill fear, I knew I couldn't. I want her to trust me and wifey. Explained to her that she has to know her worth from within and not to let anybody sweet talk her. Got into personal boundaries, appropiate touch, avoid attn seeking..etc..
**** was draining but brief. All I can hope is that she makes the right decision and becomes a good example to her 3yr old sister. Anybody going through that stage with their kiddos in here in regards to the "talk"...

miss them with diapers :x

Don't know what i would do with a daughter. I have 3 boys at home. I joke around with my wife that i'd probably tell her she's allergic to penis and raise her as a tom boy.
Yeah picking a name is hard as fuuuuuuuark..I can give a million "good" suggestions to expecting parents..but your own :x **** is hard
My wife& I have one child. Picking the name was easy. Our kid's first name is my wife's older brother & his middle name is my younger brother.
Met a kid who's legitimate legal name was monster. YES monster. He's only 4-5 right now.

This world is going to hell :lol: :smh:
Proud father of 3 checking in.
My big boy is 9.
My baby girl is 8.
My little big boy is 6.

First year of football for my boys.
My daughter is a cheerleader for the team as well.
Parents think that type of **** is cute

We're doomed, b.
I swear man. **** is crazy sometimes like D'nise......why the hell can't it just be Denise?!

Hell even with our son being named Caleb, people ask us if it is with a "K"?

I am just there like
Fixed >D

But seriously I feel you on that man. You want something not as common, but still nothing too over the top that HR skips over him in the future....and so he doesn't get picked on in school.

We ended up going with Caleb, just because, to us, you don't see THAT many Calebs around here, lol. I initially wanted to go with Jacob but the wife didn't really like it all that much.

that name Aiden is becoming really mainstream :lol: you're better off with Ethan.
Names are extremely tricky these days..You don't want something that's overly trendy, but yet you don't want something that's boring..The trick is to pick something that will fit for life..

Here's how we decided on our son's name..

1. Does it sound like a cute baby name and can he have fun nicknames?

2. Is it a name that sounds cool, but yet can sound classic?

3. Will his name sound like a good teenager/early adult name?

4. Will his name sound stupid when he's 46 yrs old and introducing himself to people from all walks of life?..

5. Will it sound like a good name when he's old and has grandkids?..For example we didn't think it'd sound right for a 75 yr old man to have his grandkids call him Grandpa Blair..

So we ended up deciding on Cooper..Which we felt fit all our criteria..Some may disagree or may not like his name, but we felt it fit perfect..Plus we wanted his name to start with C because my name does and I wanted him to have the same initials as me..
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