Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Me and my girl already discussed having another child. From what we take from everyone else is to not wait until your first is near 3-4 years old. Cause it's hard as fuh when you have one wildin' out and the other needing it's newborn needs.
Me and my girl already discussed having another child. From what we take from everyone else is to not wait until your first is near 3-4 years old. Cause it's hard as fuh when you have one wildin' out and the other needing it's newborn needs.

Sound advice.
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Me and my girl already discussed having another child. From what we take from everyone else is to not wait until your first is near 3-4 years old. Cause it's hard as fuh when you have one wildin' out and the other needing it's newborn needs.
I think it's more important to wait until you guys are ready to deal with the added responsibility, expense, sleepless nights, etc, IMHO.
Man I wanna thank all of you guys!! It made a week yesterday since we lost them. seems like longer. First day back in the office and I feel guilty about leaving my wife at home alone. Im sure I could have continued to stay home with her but I just felt like I needed to get back to work and not let the grief consume me.

Its really been up and down for us. More up for me than her which is understandable. I just wish I can do more. All her family and friends are telling me im doing such a good job at comforting and supporting her. I just wish I could take her pain away and give her some sense of normalcy. I cant imagine 4 months going by and feeling 2 lives growing inside of you and all the side effects of pregnancy that she experienced, and then boom, overnight that is all gone.

I have seen her engaged with other women on facebook and other message boards that have experienced similar losses . I think its great that she can talk to people that have experienced the same thing or worse, but at the same time it worries me that she may take a while to be at peace.

Im nervous about my work day. I just wanna stay in my cube and not move or see anyone. It was only 2 weeks ago that I told everyone in my office that I was going to be a dad. It was so out of character for me to share with them something so personal but everyone was so genuinely happy for me a telling me all the stuff to look forward to. I dont even wanna face anybody and tell them the bad news but I know its gonna be difficult the first time someone asks me about how things are going. I dont even know what to say.

Thanks again NT!
^ sorry to hear about the bad news. You're chance will come again and you'll soon flourish my dude. As for work, don't let them bring u down. You're there for work not for story telling. Ittl all work out my friend. That excitement and joy you had will always return. Peace my friend.
Sooo a lot have changed since the last time I checked in with you guys .. WE HAD OUR DAUGHTER, ANALISE, on May 18th @ 11:11 am!! The delivery was super easy and a breeze, no complications or issue. But man I was tired, I could not sleep in the hospital at all! sShe's three months now and man let me tell you, she is so fun to hang out with! So much personality already, she's always laughing and in a good mood. .. so I have a bunch of pics to upload but for some reason my work computers uploading them sideways .. so here's just one of my pride and joy! Love this little lady
^Congrats! I can't wait for my daughter to arrive in November. So crazy.

I was told that by week 28, the baby is suppose to get into their routine sleeping down...If this is true, we're in trouble. She awake and moving around 11PM
Man surprisingly I had it easy. My daughter is three months now and she been sleeping through the nights for about two weeks now. Even as a new born, she only woke up once a night around 4 pm (on the dot most nights lol) ate and went back to sleep. She never fussed or cry about anything, we feed her regularly so she doesn't get to the point of hunger and screams her head off haha been a few times though that she had a random outburst of cries for no reason, then stopped and started smiling and playing after 10 mins. I thought it was odd haha
you talking about still in the belly awake? man....wait until the baby comes out. you gon' learn :lol:

yeah and start stretching

not regular stretching but learn to contort you body odell beckham jr style because that how uncomfortable you will need to be for you baby to be comfortable.

my son literally slept on my back one night........8 hours
not regular stretching but learn to contort you body odell beckham jr style because that how uncomfortable you will need to be for you baby to be comfortable.
:rofl: this man knows. kids find the damndest spots/positions to knock out on and you don't wanna move and wake em up when they do :lol:
and learn how to bounce up and down on your feet for hours :frown:
got the LL with one pant leg up... :smokin
my son got his first taste of nike elite socks... he damn near tries to wear them every day...
3 is a great age. Got my daughter doing all kinds of stuff.

"I left my phone upstairs, can you go get it?"

"Put this in the trash for me, thanks."

etc. Gonna enjoy it now, b/c she doesn't complain. Give it a few more years, and I'm sure it will be a battle. :lol:
@Riverdale Road  I still remember that feeling... nothing better than trying on your uniform for the first time at the start of a new season, except getting suited up for the first game!
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