* OFFICIAL #NT Twitter List * Vol. READ FIRST PAGE. 1 & 2 LINKS

@COOLnificent or in the sig
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

bns1201 wrote:

so much for the list...If I have time tonight I'll conjure something up
I got it back.

how does this work tho im kinda lost as to what we're doing
I cant create the list at the moment, but I add everyone to a huge list on twitter and anyone could just click follow, and you end up followingeveryone on that list at once.

I think thats how it works.
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

bns1201 wrote:


bns1201 wrote:

so much for the list...If I have time tonight I'll conjure something up
I got it back.

how does this work tho im kinda lost as to what we're doing
I cant create the list at the moment, but I add everyone to a huge list on twitter and anyone could just click follow, and you end up following everyone on that list at once.

k thats what i thought....super easy way to get followers i like this
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